An algae filter is not best used to get rid of nitrates, but rather ammonia at source, thus preventing nitrates coming in. Higher plants tend to only out compete algae when situations are just right. How many people have tried planted only to get a single thing out of whack (potassium, or phosphates, for example) and to have the tank overrun by algae)?
It is quite hard to keep it out of the main tank, though if you provide a prime site for algae to grow on (such as the screens in an algae turf scrubber) that enables it to export the nutrients necessary for growth in the appropriate amounts (basically: you give a big enough algae filter) there will not be the nutrients left to allow algae growth elsewhere. Algae is not that hard to control, and is far easier to propogate than higher plants (and far more effective at nutrient export, hence a number of reefs running macro (and micro) algae for nutrient export).
However, from a purely nitrate reduction point of view (as an addition to existing filters), then higher plants will be the best way forwards, though in this instance you will have to pay closer attention to levels to prevent algae growth.