i think that 10gal is gona become my community tank 4 now, seeing as i dont hav the money or space for a bigger one (im 12, lol) and most of my fish r gona go in it. 4 example, at least 5 tetras, maybe 3 dwarf otos and a dwarf gourami, my guppy, and also maybe a shrimp or two (but that depends on how much room i hav). ive also decided on tetras. im gona get one of each of these types: Black Phantom, Black Skirt, Cardinal, Glowlight, Lemon, and Neon. Ive decided against getting a Serpae cuz ive read and heard they are more aggressive, even tho i think they r gorgeous, probably the prettiest tetra (next to the Black Skirt) in my opinion. heres a couple more questions 4 u: 1.) Will the tetras nip at my fancy guppy if i put him w/ them, and 2.) will tetras crossbreed if theres no more of there own type in the tank? thnx 4 responding! plz respond! -heart
, ally86ozzy
P.S. do u kno how much tetras r at a pet store,say like Petsmart?
I have had no problems with Tetra's and Guppy's living happily together, i still strongly suggest you get Tetra's of the same variety, they would be much happier in a shoal. I have only had experience with Glowlight's and Neon's, so i can't tell you just how aggressive the others are towards Guppy's, sorry.
Your standard Neon's and Glowlight's are £1.25 each, or five for £5.00. Cardinals are often the same, the rest are £1.50 and upwards depending on what store you decide to go to.
I'm glad your doing alot of research on your fish before purchasing, it is very mature to do so.
Two to three small shrimp should be fine, the Cherry Shrimp and the Amano Shrimp prove to be very popular. These are often found in your local fish store / pet store.
Be careful not to overstock your tank, six small fish (Tetra's), two Dwarf Gourami's (female), and the Shrimp / Guppy is about the maximum i'm afraid.
EDIT: Crossbreeding Tetra's is not possible.