different coloured fry


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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just wondering if anyone else has had fry from the same batch all different colours.one of the fry is definitely the same colour as the mom,one looks like it might be getting a red colour,the rest are kind of red and gray and one is very dark.is it possible to have all different coloured fry at the same time?the first batch of fry i had were the same colour as the mother.the second there was one and its a darker orange then the mother, this new batch is all mixed.i'm not sure which is the platy mom of the fry there are two of them.the one has her fry on the 7th of every month and i had some fry in the tank around that day and after but they could have been left overs from the gupppy because she had on e stuck in her yesterday 4 days after having over 50 of them.im really confused about the colouring of these fry.anyone had this problem before?or know why its happening?
well as fry u rely cant tell, i mean if the're older fry like 1 month or so the colors should begin to come out a lil but if their brand new then their just goin to be a plain gray or drakish color. u can rely decide on wat color their gunna be until their older :D
it's definitely okay. my gold wag swordtail had fry and they all looked different. one was white,seriously imean WHITE, and the other was dark red w/ an orange tail, and the othe had an orange head and was tiny even though they were all born at the same time.
guppy dude they are 18 days old now but the one has almost always looked the same as the mother. my other ones started showing their colour at a week old and the older they got the closer they got to the mothers colour. this last batch they are all different colours. one is the same colour as teh mother one is gray one is gray and red some are more red then gray and one is definately redy colour.
xavier so what happened did the fry change colour when they got older?where they all the same colour in the end?
in the end they all RESEMBLED TRAITS of the mother but all had little features which they obviously got from the father, a white pineapple swordtail w/ red and black lines going down his side. uniquely, the rims of his eyes were green but none of the babies got that.
that sound cool.is it possible the mother stored sperm from different males then?
well thats really cool.thanks for the help.i wasnt getting it that the stored sperm could be from all different males making different coloured fry with each batch.thats really cool.

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