Different color strains of Platys


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2003
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At the fish store the other day I noticed all the beautiful color patterns of the Platys.
I didn't realize they came in so many color varities. If I put a species tank together of the different color varities of Platy, will they all school together or will they be like cory cats and tend to separate by types? Thanks for any input! :)
Personally form experince i have never seen my platys shoal!!! apart from when a male follows his female to protect from other males doing it with her... but i do think they like to be in a small group bit like a losse group but not a strong shoal :thumbs: like tetras u wont get that!!! :crazy:
also platies dnt think just cos a platy a differnt colour that they wont mate with it or get along with it. too my knowledge i dnt think fish see colour!!! :blink: :thumbs: but if i was u i would totally fill a tank with platies u might want a different kinds of fish ...??? even if they are only livebearers... and remeber leave space for babies ... u could get one male tow females and wait to breed them!! :thumbs:
Actually I plan to only get females. With Platys the females are just as colorful as the males and I really don't want a bunch of babies. I just thought that a tank with one or two of every color would be beautiful and interesting. People have female betta dorms so why not a female Platy dorm. I am sure the Platys would get along alot better than female bettas do.
You're either a sexist or you want a lesbian tank... :p "jk"...

I had a friend who did that, but it kinda messed up on her cause some of the females were pregnant but she did this with "mollies" and not platties. I just wish the guppies and the mollies and the platties and swordfish I have would come to the bottom and school. But there isn't that many of them in there that they stay to the top. Once in a wile they'll go under the tunnels. I made an apartment of 6 rooms with rock's and then I placed tons of rocks on top to make it blend together. The corry catfish and shrimp love to hang out in that area. But Saturday I'll stock up on fish once again... Your idea sounds pretty cool, I hope it works out.
No, I am not a sexist. I have 3 male bettas that I dearly love. I just can't imagine a tankfull of male platys getting along as well as female platys. I don't have an actual tank for this ideayet. I just started stocking a 29 gallon community tank and will pursue this idea when I finish with the community tank. I have 4 female platys in a quarantine tank and they will go in the community tank this weekend. Thats is what gave me the idea-they are the color of goldfish without all the mess. I am thinking about at least a 20 gallon for the platy idea because I want to have some panda corys to. :)

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