Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

Almost all bacterial diseases usually encountered in aquaria can be cured without antibiotics. I’ve used them about twice in 50 years, and once was in a shop. I use Waterlife Myxazin as a bactericide. Always have.

Epistylis is very common in tanks with low flow, or an area of low flow. It’s usually seen as white tufts on the glass in low flow areas.
thanks, I will check out Myxazin. Seems to me epi should be an easy DX if the protozoans have the 2-3 mm stalk as described in this thread. Ich lies flat to the fish, right?
The Ich cyst is a raised spot, like a hemisphere? Epistylis on fish can be tufts or spots. “Small colony epistylis” is like a dusting of spots much smaller than Ich, almost like velvet.

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