Did You Feel That?


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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For any of you living on the east coast of America....did you just feel that 5.9 magnitude earthquake? Jeez, i thought my house was going to explode! My dog peed himself in fright :S
Don't live in the US but saw it on the news....
hope you guys are ok over there....poor little doggy
Don't live over there either. I think I might have done the same as your dog if I was ever near an earthquake though.
It was felt from NYC to the Carolinas - I live in RI and was driving when it happened but some of us Rhode Islanders did feel it.
Was working on the 9th floor of my building. Building swayed pretty good. Lasted about 30 seconds. They evacuated the buildings on the grounds and sent my building home. Never really felt an earthquake and can say i didnt like it very much. Very unsettling on the 9th floor.
I live in the middle of Long Island, New York. When the quake hit I was sitting at my desk and felt it shake. I saw my monitor moving and watched the cord from the venetian blinds behind it sway back and forth. Since having an earthquake is not something we expect here, my first thought was that I was getting dizzy or having some kind of illness. When I talked to one of my neighbors later, she said she thought the same thing. :huh:

Surprisingly, my cat slept through the whole thing.
Heck yea I felt it. I live in virginia and only about an hour and a half north of the epicenter... It was crazy. Luckily I dont think there was too much dmg.
I live in Oregon. I heard about the quake, but the only thing thing that I heard that could've been an earthquake that day was my cat purring. He purrs so loudly you can hardly tell the difference. I have had some weird earthquake experiences, though.


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