Did They? Already?


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Bought a pair of bristlenoses yesterday. Male is about 4.5" long, female a tad smaller.
Mr Bristles (Paddy) almost immediately set about digging a hole - abandonned it and dug another under the bogwood.
Now he seems to be guarding his cave.
Don't tell me they already got to spawning?
It would appear that I have water that fish like to spawn in as pretty much everything else seems to spawn in my tank - just seems like it'd be a bit quick seeing as I only got them yesterday.
Then again they were together in the tank at the LFS...
BN's can be quick off the mark - I've had spawns within a week before now. Can you see any eggs?
Sounds like it wont be long as his trying to show off to his lady and draw her into his cave.
Keep us posted.
I can't see any eggs, but then I can't really see into the cave either - it's entrance is sideways on to the viewpoint of the tank then goes behind and under a big piece of bogwood.
It could be that he's just trying to get out of view. It is possibl though, I've had eggs within 24 hrs of introducing a new fish.
He's come out for about 10-15 minutes when I've fed them then retreated back to his cave.
Although, I can just see him right now, upside down on the bogwood at the entrance to the cave - very well camoflaged, I suprised I noticed him.

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