Did The Tiger Barbs Spawn


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego Cali -for-nia
i woke up this morning and turned on the light and noticed that the tank was cleared and my tiger 2 of my 5 tiger barbs were very close to each other(like they were rubbing) and then they went to my live plant and swam circles around it and then left :blink: Right After that all the fish came over to the area and they were eating stuff on the ground :crazy: I have not feed the fish and i could not make it out what they were eating is i possible the 2 tiger barbs spawned? :hyper:
Does anyone know

Hi :) It is possible that they were spawning

The spawning involves the male(s) chasing the female(s) around and through the spawning plants leaving a trail of eggs and sperm in their wake.

Once the spawning is over you should remove the fish or the eggs will be eaten.

Tiger Barbs lay semi adhesive eggs and they will be scatered all over the tank and stuck to everything.

What other fish do you hvae in with your Tiger Barbs?
HAHAHA the two have been chasing each other around the tank for the past 2 days :hyper: It just looked different cause the were around were all the plants are like a little forest. I would have no time to get the eggs out cause i woke up and looked in and noticed it. then after i thought about what might have happened it was to late the other 3 tiger barbs and 2 clown loaches were over eating (but i hadn't feed them yet) i have 5 Tiger barbs and 2 Clown Loaches. Should i buy a breading thing for them? and what do you do when you have the eggs

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