During my last trip to the lfs (and this is a store that only sells fish and fish keeping equipment), I bought an otocinclus. I mentioned that I wanted to get my algae eater a little early to prevent future algae problems rather than wait for them to occur. I also said that I didn't want to fill my tank with pretty fish and not have room for the "worker" fish, algae eaters and bottom feeders. The employee told me that I don't need to factor the "worker" fish into the inch/gallon equation because they primarily stay on the sides and bottom of the tank.
This struck me a little fishy (hehe, fish pun ). I thought the inch/gallon rule of thumb dealt with waste output and not just swimspace. I would love your input on this. I don't want to get too fish happy and accidentally over stock my first 10 gallon tank. I currently have 3 zebra danios (2 red glofish and an unaltered zebra), 1 Honey Sunset Blue Dwarf Guarami, and the otocinclus. I'm planning on adding some corydoras and Harlequin Rasporas.
This struck me a little fishy (hehe, fish pun ). I thought the inch/gallon rule of thumb dealt with waste output and not just swimspace. I would love your input on this. I don't want to get too fish happy and accidentally over stock my first 10 gallon tank. I currently have 3 zebra danios (2 red glofish and an unaltered zebra), 1 Honey Sunset Blue Dwarf Guarami, and the otocinclus. I'm planning on adding some corydoras and Harlequin Rasporas.