Did I do the right thing?


New Member
Nov 1, 2003
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Hi. I'm fairly new to fish keeping, about two months now, and would like to check up on something.

I have a 20g community tank. Yesterday I noticed that one of my Silver Sharks seemed a bit 'off'. His/her (how can you tell?) nose & mouth area seemed pink and puffy and the mouth was open and the eyes were slightly protuding, then later on that day it died. I found the carcass and took it to a petstore (Petco, and before you say anything, I've since read your comments on them!!) and was told by someone who really seemed knowledgeable that it was probably pop-eye and is contagious. He sold me some capsules to empty out into the water (without the filter running) which I did. It turned the water bright green (which is actually rather pretty). The little darlings still have plenty of air as I have several airstones running. I was told to repeat the dose in 48 hours, then do a partial (25%) water change in another 48 hours.

The rest of the little darlings seem fine with their new pretty green environment.

What is your opinion, does it sound right to you? The reason I'm asking is because I read some comments on Petco store staff. This person seemed knowledgeable, but was he? Also, after I turn the filter back on, how long before the green will disappear?

Any comments welcomed. Thank you
Do not turn off the filter...when medicating fish, you want to remove the carbon, as this filters out the medicine. I'm not sure which med, but I'm sure someone here will recognize it. When done, adding carbon will remove the med's along with the color, not long at all.
Do not turn off the filter

Why not? It's not doing any good 'running on empty'. I have plenty of air pumping through airstones.
stuff in some filter floss, or if you have some poly-fil lying around you can use that
reg2k2 said:
Do not turn off the filter...when medicating fish, you want to remove the carbon, as this filters out the medicine. I'm not sure which med, but I'm sure someone here will recognize it. When done, adding carbon will remove the med's along with the color, not long at all.
Sounds as if you are using pills by Macarllyn or Macarllyn II products in the tank. Those particular capsules will definatley stain your water, and actually, the only way to get rid of it all is to change the water 10 to 20 percent at a time until all has been changed and the water is clear. (once every three to four days). Now as for the 48 hour things. The Petco person was right about the changing water, but, in my personal opinnion, I would treat with an anti-biotic (which you can get from Petsmart *not Petco, they don't have the right ones because some do not stock them* that gear specifically towards preventing secondary bacterial infections. You fish's immune system is weakend by the disease it has (which may be a combo from what you said as popeye and possibly a gill infection like gill flukes or another irritant). The anti-biotics keeps your fish from dieing from these infections.

I am not 100 percent on my guess for the medications you were told to use...What is the name on the package? What color is the skin of the pill?
Sounds as if you are using pills by Macarllyn or Macarllyn II products in the tank.

The pills are called Fungus Cure and they are made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. They have a brown capsule covering. Does this sound like the right product to you? If not, and I go to Petsmart and get an antibiotic, should I filter out the Fungus Cure before using the antibiotic, or can they both be in there at the same time. But I guess that a fungus cure can't do them any harm anyway. They are due for the second dose of Fungus Cure tonight, should I give it to them or start filtering again?

My other fish seem fine right now, none of them show any sign of what killed that silver shark. They are eating okay, although they are not too fussed on the latest brand of flake food I got them, they are picky!!)

With the no filter thing. I'm getting a little concerned about the water. It was a pretty green to start with, but now, because of no filter running it's becoming a murky green. I can't test for ammonia because the water is green to start with (although it was ammonia free before the shark died).

Should I put the filter on, but take the carbon out and leave the sponge in? Would that do anything to disperse the cloudyness but keep the medication in?

Thank you
Kerry said:
Sounds as if you are using pills by Macarllyn or Macarllyn II products in the tank.

The pills are called Fungus Cure and they are made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. They have a brown capsule covering. Does this sound like the right product to you? If not, and I go to Petsmart and get an antibiotic, should I filter out the Fungus Cure before using the antibiotic, or can they both be in there at the same time. But I guess that a fungus cure can't do them any harm anyway. They are due for the second dose of Fungus Cure tonight, should I give it to them or start filtering again?

My other fish seem fine right now, none of them show any sign of what killed that silver shark. They are eating okay, although they are not too fussed on the latest brand of flake food I got them, they are picky!!)

With the no filter thing. I'm getting a little concerned about the water. It was a pretty green to start with, but now, because of no filter running it's becoming a murky green. I can't test for ammonia because the water is green to start with (although it was ammonia free before the shark died).

Should I put the filter on, but take the carbon out and leave the sponge in? Would that do anything to disperse the cloudyness but keep the medication in?

Thank you
Fungus cure in pill form is a good choice. You have to allow the pills to dissolve in the tank first right? Or do you break them apart and dump the medication in? Doesn't matter either way. Leave your filter ON but remove all carbon from it. Use filter floss instead. You can use anti-biotics as well as the Fungus cure as long as both are made by the same people.

The filter will clean your tank better if you have filter floss or a carbonless sponge in it. It will not elieminate the green, but will keep your water circulating. I still recommend an anti-biotic. ;)

Hope that helps.
Thank you for your advice

I now have the filter running with just the sponge in it. Hopefully that will get rid of the 'murk'. Tonight I'll go and get some antibiotics for them.

Sighhh, fish, they're like children!! They really need looking after, but it's a labour of love, right? :wub:

In a few days I'll have a happy, healthy looking li'l munchkins again...YAY!!! :D
Kerry said:
Thank you for your advice

I now have the filter running with just the sponge in it. Hopefully that will get rid of the 'murk'. Tonight I'll go and get some antibiotics for them.

Sighhh, fish, they're like children!! They really need looking after, but it's a labour of love, right? :wub:

In a few days I'll have a happy, healthy looking li'l munchkins again...YAY!!! :D
I hope everything works out. ;) My goldfish have been attacked by Ick....AGAIN!

I was gone for the weekend and when I came back, they were covered in it....My entire 5 gallon tank is infested with that bloody little parasite. I am off to the store tonight to grab more non-iodized salt for the tank and some Quick Cure for Ick....And antibiotics. Poor goldfish. I hate doing water changes in that tank too.
-.- <glares at her huge tank in dismay> I hate Ick.
Ick is a parasite? That's how new I am to fish keeping..... How do you get it? Can you get rid of it permanently? Sorry to hear you have it.

As I said, I had my filter running but had to switch it off for a moment to change outlets. When I plugged it back in, all it did was laugh (silently) at me. Nothing, nada, no noise, no water movement, just an evil grin at me. I took it into the kitchen so that I could look at it properly (better light), plugged it into the kitchen outlet and it worked. Unplugged it and replugged it and no, nothing again. I suspect it's the cord, not the filter.

So.........I had to leave them unfiltered again all afternoon, then after work went to Petsmart and bought a nice new one, a Penguin 125, along with a product called Maracyn which is for pop-eye and includes an antibiotic. I have to let the tank filter for 24 hours, then use this medication.

My babies are happy though, they don't let anything faze them. They come to greet me when I get home........okay, in reality I know that they are just looking for food, but I like to think that they are happy to see ME.

Thank you again
Kerry said:
Ick is a parasite? That's how new I am to fish keeping..... How do you get it? Can you get rid of it permanently? Sorry to hear you have it.

As I said, I had my filter running but had to switch it off for a moment to change outlets. When I plugged it back in, all it did was laugh (silently) at me. Nothing, nada, no noise, no water movement, just an evil grin at me. I took it into the kitchen so that I could look at it properly (better light), plugged it into the kitchen outlet and it worked. Unplugged it and replugged it and no, nothing again. I suspect it's the cord, not the filter.

So.........I had to leave them unfiltered again all afternoon, then after work went to Petsmart and bought a nice new one, a Penguin 125, along with a product called Maracyn which is for pop-eye and includes an antibiotic. I have to let the tank filter for 24 hours, then use this medication.

My babies are happy though, they don't let anything faze them. They come to greet me when I get home........okay, in reality I know that they are just looking for food, but I like to think that they are happy to see ME.

Thank you again
Awesome news. Oh and that was an 85 gallon tank of goldfish not a 5....My stupid 8 button doesn't work too well. :lol:

Anyways, fish can get Ick ust from being stressed out or from have improper fluctuations in the water quality. Ick sucks.
Hi Kerry, the original medicine you gave them sounds like malachite green. Its a dye, thats why the water turned green. What concerns me is why your fish got sick in the first place. Have you done any water tests? The filter not running is going to kill the good bacteria that was growing on the filter sponge. Its good you have a new filter but I suspect your tank may go into a cycle untill your new filter media grows enough bacteria. I,de keep an eye on your water parameters.

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