Did A Fish Do This To My Plant?

I posted the thread below in the tropical chat forum - my blue stricta underwent a dramatic change (carnage!) overnight. I thought it was my bristlenose who'd done it, but there are some people in that thread who doubt he could have as he's still a juvie. I thought I'd ask the expert plant people here :))) if there was something else that could have caused what happened to those leaves. I dose with Wardley plant food at water changes, I don't use co2.. I am thinking I need to get a new lighting tube soon though, I've had the current one since February. I just didn't think a lighting/ferts problem could have caused what happened overnight, which is why I'm blaming the BN. But I thought I'd check with the experts.

Pictures are in the linked thread.


Thankyou :)

I have a female pleco like urs 2, it didnt do it....my plants went like that to...i found out that when i got the plants from the LFS they had 2 very small snalis on them which munched on the leaves....darn snails! i didnt notice them until they were bigger, i 2 blamed my plec at first....and she surprisingly looks identicle 2 urs...fishy...ha?

Ps. My plec really likes bloodworms, even though the guy at the shop said she would eat bogwood and algea...
I think I might exclude plecos from my new set-up since I can't afford my plants being eaten, plus they are slightly harder to feed.

It'll make room for something else perhaps...
All plecs like bloodworms. Just with some species not too good to keep giving them too much protein.

My pitbulls will munch on the bogwood and algae mostly but if the Rams and Tetras leave any forzen food then they are straight onto it at nightfall (lights off)

I would suggest getting in the plec section and finding out how much you should let them have proteinwise.


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