Diagnosing Chance The Betta


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2013
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Been advised to put a post up here in order to recieve help in diagnosing Chance correctly.
He's in a 28litre tank, with a filter, and heater at 80 degrees.
He has plants to rest in, yet instead rests against the glass at the side of the tank.
His fins are clamped, which is slowly getting worse and this is effecting his swimming.
When he does swim, it's erratic and he can't stay below the surface of the water.
My first instinct was Swim Bladder, but he doesnt show any signs of bloating - if anything, he's underweight.
He's lethargic, and doesnt make any attempt to eat. (So far he's been with me since monday without eating.)
When he's resting against the glass, it is very hard to get his attention or 'wake him up' - touching the water near him is the only thing that will make him move now.
He has a slight curvature in his spine near his tail.
For photographs, please see: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/420564-chances-recovery-journal/#entry3549364
Wandered about Costia, but not entirely sure. Could be swim bladder, but he only shows some of the symptoms.
His tank contains gravel, filter, heater, plant, 1 rubber anenome - soft, and two pebbles.
Will post water readings when I return home today, however not sure this is a water issue, as he was like this in the LFS
Have you tried treatment for swim bladder?
Yes, no change. Also tried aquarium salt, no change
That's a interesting one, do you roughly know the age of the betta?

No swings in ph or temp lately?
I'm not sure on age, and no, no swings in Ph or temp
i would start giving him salt baths (can also put salts in his aquarium (also depends on what other fish you have in there)), and treat with metaflex or general cure (usually helps with clamp fins) you can fins them at any pet store
take out the carbon in your filter, because if you treat with that it there is really no point in adding meds..
if he is having trouble swimming then lower the water level so he is near the surface (they breath air) and slow down the current in the tank, but make sure that is some... so you can have the filter stopped (low water level) and have a tiny bubblier going on. doing water changes will help keep the water clean.
does he look skinny? could also be an internal infection/bacteria/thing 
i heard of this just recently, but if you are feeding him betta pellets, then allow them to soak in petaflex? i completely forget what it is called. it has flex at the end and starts with a P... anyways its a liquid and you can feed him it. its for internal, so i've heard people have gotten great responses from the fish when they digest it compared to just swimming in it. (do not know if it really works like that, but seems like it would)
I've added aquarium salt to the tank yesterday, this didn't help. I've treated with internal bacteria.
Unfortunatly, he won't eat. So I can't feed him anything  - I've tried all the various fish foods we have, nothings even caught his attention.
He's now floating on his side, with his head slightly underwater. Gently put finger in tank and moved water, which would have made him move - but it didn't. He just sort of floated with the current. Only sign of life is his gills moving.
He's no longer able to move, tried to get him to eat some bloodworm, but to no effect.
I'm so sorry! :-(
A sad end to this story.
 Rest in peace Chance.
Oh, I'm so sorry! I was so hoping he would pull through for you! 
It seems he was just in too bad condition ashen I rescued him. He's in a better place now though

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