DG with ich


New Member
Jan 25, 2025
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I have been letting my sister care for my fish for the weekend as I have been away I came home today to find my that after feeding my fish none were to energetic and going for the food, and I turn the aquarium light on and discover ich all over my DGs fins but it seems to be the only one with ich I don't know what to do about treatment as my tank has a present heater to 78° F.
I only have tetra ick guard tablets I've heard only good things about it so I'll give it a try.
I've never tried the tablets, but any time I've had fish with ich, I've been able to get rid of it and usually without losing any fish.
Okay that's a relief I really want these guys to make it but I don't know what I'll do about not being able to increase the temperature of my tank of 78°
Go with the meds, but fast. The tablets work if you follow instructions for the full length of the treatment.

You have a problem in that a dwarf gourami is a warmer water tropical, and a preset heater is low for the species. That's probably what made it vulnerable to the Ich. I'm assuming you added a fish in the recent past to bring the parasite in. Don't blame your poor sister!

I have two preset heaters I got in a bankruptcy sale - tetra heaters supposedly set to 78f. One gives 73f, the other 76f. So you might want to measure what you are really getting there.
I am for sure getting 78° and I know that they do prefer warmer water but my guy doesn't seem to mind too much
You said he's the only fish in the tank with Ich parasites. That's a fish whose body minds - a pretty clear message.
One thing I found out is, if the difference between the air and the water is too wide, it stresses them long term when breathing air. I always use a lid with these guys to make sure the air they breathe is the same temperature as the water.

They are not too fond of bright light, also, bright substrate that glows is stressing for them. they love floating plants in a dimmed environment. Like Gary said, If he's the king of that tank, research on their natural environment, and try to emulate it the best you can with what you can get. I agree on the temperature, while 78 is ok 80 is better. I don't know for how long you have him, but they are pretty shy fishes and need a good period of adaptation and might get spooked from interactions. if you can provide enough plants for him to hide in he will live it.

The big lines for a inviting Dwarf Gourami tank. Filled with a variety of plants, including Amazon swords, Java fern, Anubias, and floating plants like water sprite or hornwort. The plants create plenty of hiding places. They live in semi blackwater. Dark-colored substrates and driftwood to create a more natural, tannin rich environment with a slow water flow.

What happened to his left pectoral fin ?
I got him earlier this week there is only some Amazon swords in the tank waiting on the rest of the plants to be delivered, I have also found that bright light frightens them so I raised my light above my tank as it doesn't dim all of his fins are out

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