

Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2011
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Well today, i found my cory in a small ornament, stuck no idea how long it'd been there. Obviously by the time i'd found it it had died.

Had the Cory for FOUR years. Devastation isn't the word. Its been through everything and come out fighting, the only thing that could of beaten it was a poxy ornament, which has now been binned!

Anyone had anything similar happen to them?
Well today, i found my cory in a small ornament, stuck no idea how long it'd been there. Obviously by the time i'd found it it had died.

Had the Cory for FOUR years. Devastation isn't the word. Its been through everything and come out fighting, the only thing that could of beaten it was a poxy ornament, which has now been binned!

Anyone had anything similar happen to them?
Lost a male swordtail I liked a lot "thanks" to a snail shell I had there. Aside from not knowing that shells shouldn't be put in a tank, it didn't come across my mind that fish would actually go exploring into that snail shell. o_O

And if it counts, my first ever fish that I had when I was 5 years old, were 4 guppies and in their tank I had a crystal decoration (basically a giant rock FULL of white crystals).
Well, it wasn't the main cause of those 4 guppies' deaths... My mom accidentally placed that decoration in a soapy area on the bathroom sink when she was washing that tank. Then she put it back. :crazy: That was when I've lost fish for the first time and it took about 1 year before I received the larger tank with a ton of fish from a friend... and started the whole hobby.
Well today, i found my cory in a small ornament, stuck no idea how long it'd been there. Obviously by the time i'd found it it had died.

Had the Cory for FOUR years. Devastation isn't the word. Its been through everything and come out fighting, the only thing that could of beaten it was a poxy ornament, which has now been binned!

Anyone had anything similar happen to them?
I'm really sorry to hear about that, I understand how you feel.
I once introcuced some plants into a tank without takng the precution of rinsing them first. I managed to loose a whole colony of amano shrimp in one nigh becuase of that. :angry:

Sorry to hear this :-( my parents have a cory who's about 9 years old. I'd be devastated if something like this happened. I'll be sad even when she dies of old age. :( Its awful losing fish.
I had a plec stuck in a crab orniment when i was a kid and when i found him in the morning he was still alive but with a big gash in him where the other plec had sucked on him. He died that day
So sorry to hear about your cory.

I recently had a cory get himself stuck in a decoration. I had an overturned clay pot in my cory tank. For whatever reason, one night he thought he would try to fit himself through the hole at the bottom of the pot. I went into the room the next morning to feed the cories and found him with his head poking out of the hole. :crazy: Luckily for me, I was able to squish him back through. Then I was worried that the stress of the incident would do him in but he's still with me. I definitely did some remodelling after that.

Just this weekend while cleaning my community aquarium I was trying to rescue some swordtail fry that had found their way underneath a grate I have at the bottom of the tank to keep the gravel off of the glass. Don't even ask how they got in there because I have no idea. :huh: I had the grate propped up while trying (and failing) to scare the fry out from underneath. Well, my rainbow shark thought that this would be a nice place to investigate and in his attempt to cram himself in he ended up scratching his head a bit.

Fish like to get themselves into trouble sometimes and, unfortunately, we aren't always there to save them. :(
I neglected to use egg crate under my rocks and my Kribs went digging in the sand.....Male got splatted as the rock fell on him. I now have shed loads of egg crate in my garage should i need it :)
Tizer, you're so crude! :fun: I've never heard of using egg crates under rocks, how do you do that?
its egg crate and you put it under rocks... :D helps prevent cracking the glass too.
I neglected to use egg crate under my rocks and my Kribs went digging in the sand.....Male got splatted as the rock fell on him. I now have shed loads of egg crate in my garage should i need it :)
I've never used this either? Please explain. My corys are always digging and I never thought of that! :blink:

And one of my peppers has gone missing....
Oh don't say that! We don't need any more cory casualties! :unsure:

I'm piling some slate up to make caves in my new tank. I imagine that if they dig under it it'll collapse. Can I do anything about that? I've made a cave out of Yamaya rock too but I've stuck them together with aquarium adhesive as I thought there may be a problem. I have corys AND kuhlis :blink:

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