Destill Water


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2004
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Houston, texas
Hey guys every time i chage the water in my tank i always use destill water that i buy from the grocery store. I also add the dechlorinator. Anyhow but lately i have been hearing that destill water is not good because it has no minerals. And people say that tap water can have high nitrAtes. So can someone tell me which one i should be using. Thax.
I'd use tap water with dechlorinator. Destilled water is not needed (nor does it seem like a good idea to me). Correct me if im wrong. =]
why waste your money on distilled water if you are going to add chemicals to pure water?? doesnt seem to make any sense. just use tap water, unless you are willing to pay that much, tap water is just as good if you have a cycled tank
Well the water is not expensive its just like 80 cents a gallon but i always thought that you had to use the cleanest water for your fish. Well thax for the replies guys.

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