Desperatley Want A Tropical Tank

Go for it! It's the best hobby ever, and like Wilder said - Once he relizes that a beautiful fish tank is in his house without him having to do any work he'll be happy with it!

Also, make sure that your friends make a fuss of the tank when they come round just to show him what effect a fish tank can have on visitors!
lol you all make me giggle

unfortunately, despite some niggles, i really wouldn't get rid of my other half

i'm going to see a tank thats just over the 20 gallon mark this week sometime.

anything larger/heavier i would be worried about myself.

thanks for all your replies :)

keep em comin, they give me a laugh


ales xx
Okay what about telling him you have found the perfect little caiman that would happily fit in a small tank and then the bath. You could also tell him you are happy to spend thousands of pounds on a license for it.

I think he might choose the fish.

snakes smell

That is rubbish as long as they are properly cared for they are virtually odourless
My mum wasn't too impressed when i said i was getting one. And since it was going to ge a 50gal one and had to go in the living room.

Well i kept saying it till she thought "na he wont get one".

Then she went on holiday. That week i drove 1.5 hours for a cheap 45gal one and had it sat in place full of water, gravel and plants for when she got back. About half and hour after she got in she asked when i was getting fish for it. Now she always sits at the side of it and watchs the fish for hours.

Cant wait to get my own place now so i get more tanks.
well its all sorted which is a good job because i think i'm getting a tank on sunday.

i told him how much having a tank means to me and that i didnt expect him to moon over the gorgeous fish like i'm going to.

i explained that the tank will be to me, what his beloved motorbike is to him and that its my way of meeting new people with the same hobby (as he's done with the bike)

so i think i've finally swayed him :)

that and the fact i told him other than helping me carry it upstairs i wasnt expecting him to do any work on it at all lol

so great to read your replies though.


ales xx
i explained that the tank will be to me, what his beloved motorbike is to him and that its my way of meeting new people with the same hobby (as he's done with the bike)

lol thats how i swayed my boyfriend! he's now on his 5th car in one year and i keep out of it (even tho he tries to get me involved :X ) so i said, you have ur cars i want my fish.
he loves them now... when everythings going right. if i want him to feed them or anything goes wrong all he says is 'they're your fish im keeping out of it'. yeah until he see's a fish he wants and i have to get it :blink:
Well I hope you convince him :)

Dont worry about the weight, even the 3rd floor of an old wood building has a bathtub or 10 on it, a little tank (even in excess of 100 gallons) isnt going to do anything.
Just pimp slap him! Tell him not to be silly and buy a tank.

Only jokin. You should so get a tank! However, I do see where he is coming from because when I used to live in my old house, the tank cracked over night and ruined the carpet. No one knows why it cracked or anything, there must have been a reason but nope!
Anyway, as I was sayin, yea if it breaks...I think it would ruin more than your carpet. Would go through to the below floor and maybe the floor below that. And it also could cause the floor(s) to collapse so a tank could cost more than you wanted. This happened to one of my mum's friends too... and she didn't have insurance! Just a warning.

Other than that, they are excellent things :D
Anyway, as I was sayin, yea if it breaks...I think it would ruin more than your carpet. Would go through to the below floor and maybe the floor below that. And it also could cause the floor(s) to collapse so a tank could cost more than you wanted. This happened to one of my mum's friends too... and she didn't have insurance! Just a warning.

Other than that, they are excellent things :D

Anyone that doesnt have insurance is just retarded.

if the floors collapse from a fish tank then the owner of the biulding would be in jail, fined, and sued to no end. As there is no way the building would pass inspection if a fishtank caused more then water damage.

Look how many fishtanks are out there, sure things break, and stuff could happen. But I know far more dishwashers, washing machines, toliets, sinks, bathtubs, ratient heat failures that would cause and do and have caused more tamage then even the largest fish tanks. I personally know 6 people that have had water come through the floor from one of the above failing and cause a good amount of water damage.
Dont try and scare her, a decent tank even off level will be fine for many years. not to mention she is talking less then 30 gallons, thats not a whole heck of a lot of water.

I just found out the guy across the street has a 360 gallon tank in the upstairs of his house, and its been their for 14 years since just a year after the house was built, and commercial buildings have a larger load rating then a normal house.
Your right snakes dont smell and are adorable look...

Sherbert was my mothers day pressie :*) and I adore him :*

we love all animals in our house :alien:

Just set the tank up and get him to "help" choose fish...that may help

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