Designing Stained Glass Bettas For Competing In Shows...

I think my new pick, purple, and blue cambodian would make a lovely stained glass. :D


(His body is actually purple... hard to see in the pic. His fins are pretty much the color they are in the picture, but the blue in them has a slightly purple tint in real life. :) )
bettabelieveit: i really like the 4th one, and I think I'll try it. The second one is great too, but pretty similar to one of the ones I made for Synirr.

Flautist, I'll see how feasible yours is. It's a nice betta, especially for a veiltail, so I'll try it if I have time after doing some HM's and PK's (I think they'd get higher bids in the show auctions).

Sukie: that's quite the colour change! I like both the before, and the after equally too! 8)

Flautist, I'll see how feasible yours is. It's a nice betta, especially for a veiltail, so I'll try it if I have time after doing some HM's and PK's (I think they'd get higher bids in the show auctions).

Awesome! If you don't think the blue rays in his tail are very feasible, it's not crucial. You can't really tell they are blue in real life unless you shine light on him. without the light shining on him, it just looks pink with purpleish-blue around the edges. :)

Let me know how much you charge for those... I might buy one of George off of you. :)

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