Designing An Avatar Banner For Potm Winners


You can let me know if this fits your remit.

Yes!!.. Thank you Big_C.... This then, (is unanimously accepted) as the Medallion which only the POTM winners may display in either their Avatars or to form part of their signatures. The only thing that will change on the medallion, is the date of the award!.... It is one small step building up to something more concrete (materialistic)... still being negotiated. :good: ;)
The problem with a month & year is that every winner would need their own user group. In a year this would mean 12 new user groups, if we did this with TOTM it would be 24 new user groups. For each XOTM comp we start it would mean 12 more user groups every year. This would quickly become a difficult thing to manage.

Without the month & year it's one user group. This is why there is no month & year in the TOTM winner icon.

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