Designer fish


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I was told the other day that Parrot Fish dont really exist in the wild. They are a result of inter-breeding of two different species of cichlids. Is this true?

Does anyone know of any other fish that are 'Designer fish' and dont exist in the wild? (So that i can avoid them!)
I have two in my tank :hyper:
If i knew that i wouldnt have bought them..
i had them for about a week. bought them last week thats why i became curious about them.
Have you spoke to the place you bought them from and explained your not happy with your purchase (due to the ethics behind their breeding) and would like to swap them for something else.
An understanding LFS may give you credit - its worth a try

Are the Parrots dyed ones
Ziggy25 said:
I was told the other day that Parrot Fish dont really exist in the wild. They are a result of inter-breeding of two different species of cichlids. Is this true?

Does anyone know of any other fish that are 'Designer fish' and dont exist in the wild? (So that i can avoid them!)
Yep, it's true :/ .

Don't personally know of any others but try posting in the Hybrid section and you should get some better responses.

Sorry can't help you much more.

There are a number of other Hybrids out there - Flowerhorns are another popular "hybrid" cichlid.
Apart from hybrids the other thing to watch out for is dyed fish - sometimes classed as painted fish.
There are quite a few of those and the processes for dyeing are barbaric to the extreme
The blood parrot cichlid is a genetically engineered hybrid, but there are a couple of natural species of new-world cichlid that were commonly known as a 'parrot cichlid' before the blood parrot hit its first test tube.
Hoplarchus psittacus is the original cichlid given the common name 'parrot'. Hypsophrys nicaraguensis has also been given the 'parrot' name in the past.
Hoplarchus psittacus
It is a large green cichlid coming from the Amazon and Orinoco River drainages of South America. Large males can be well over a foot in length. It got its name because of its large parrot-like mouth. This fish is very rare in the hobby and has only been bred a few times
I don't see whats wrong with hybrid fish if you only want them as pets - as long as they're healthy!!!

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