Design Help For A Ten Gallon Hood


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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im designing a hood for my ten gallon. i want to put 2 light fixtures in it, 1 for the daytime plant growth (a 30-40 watt bulb... i want a lot of plants) and a 2nd one for night time viewing (probably a red bulb). my question involves whats under the lights. id like to put a piece of glass under them to keep any jumping fish from burning themselves. it seems like this could potentially cause a great deal of heat to build up however and im not sure that there isnt a better way to do this. maybe install a fan or something? any suggestion? the hood needs to have 3 main parts: a front hinged lid for feeding; a section for the lights in the middle; and an enclosable access panel in the back to allow for the filter and other such things to be installed without leaving so much open room that the fish can jump out. (you'd think they'd be smarter) ;) i love DIYing but i could use a little advice first to make sure my efforts (and money) dont go to waste. :D

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