Depressed Fish ?


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
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I have set up my tank and today is the first day i have been able to add some fish to it as i have left it for the recommended time for the filterto get ready.

I have two pearlscales which are happy enough but i got a fantail and it aint looking too happy.

When introduced today it swam about for a while but over the last couple of hours it has just sat on the bottom of the tank. Even when it does go and swim about it goes back to the same spot in the tank and just lays there. I have turned the light out and kept it quiet so not to stress it but nothing is really helping.

Is this normal for it to behave like this or have i got a problem with my little fishy ?
So did you cycle the tank before the fish went in? How many gallons is the tank? Are the fantails fins still up when its sitting? Is the filter causing a lot of current?
What are your tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?
So did you cycle the tank before the fish went in? How many gallons is the tank? Are the fantails fins still up when its sitting? Is the filter causing a lot of current?
What are your tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?

Yes I did cycle the tank and followed all the correct instructions

They are in a 10 gallon tank

Yes the fintails are resting on the gravel at the bottom.

There is little current from the filter and it is in a very tall tank and most of the current is right at the top, far away from where it is resting.

We havent yet done a water test but are looking to do one tomorrow.

Could the fish just be resting? It seems strange that the others are swimming around happily and playfully but this one fish seems unhappy about something :(
they do lie on the bottom when they are asleep, it could be stressed from the move to its new home, see how it is tomorrow
If its a small fish then it will have regular episodes of sleeping. If the fins are up and it moves when you are near the tank then dont worry about it.

You are a little overcrowded and could soon be looking at a 30 gallon minimum tank.

Please post your results when you get them :)
Alot better today ... it is swimming around and not resting on the bottom that much now.

Is it usual for the peralscales to kind of float to the top ( bum in the air) and then they swim back down ...they are both doing it ???
Sounds like they are full of air. Do you feed flakes? Try to get a granular feed that will sink so the fish dont grab air from the top.
Dont feed them for 3 days to let the gas release itself and then feed them boiled squashed peas for a couple of days.
Glad your fantail is ok :)
I feed them pellets called tetrafin gold exotic . i was informed that this was the right type of food to feed them . i know that the flakes are not suitable for fancy fish but i was told that before i put the pellets in the water i should soak them first this correct.?

i cant think of anything that could be causing them to behave in this way ....their constantly swimming or floating, with their bums up in the air .

the only other fish i have ever owned are common goldfish so i am not sure where this is normal for pearlscales to do this .
It may well be normal considering the shape of them - golfballs with fins :lol:

Yes try and soak the pellets first and make sure they sink as well. Peas are good at clearing out the air.
I have done what you suggested with the soaking of the pellets but all they are doing is sucking them up and spitting them out ...all 3 are doing this .

Shall i try some flakes? Also the pellets i am using say they are floating pellets is this ok for them ???
I put a couple of flakes in and the same thing is happening . :crazy:
You can get sinking granules for them, try not to get anything that floats. Try peas and see how they do with those, boiled and squashed. They wont starve themselves so just persevere.
Ok i'll give the peas a go ... hopefully the fussy sods will like them .

thanks for your help :)

before i got the fish i cleaned out the new tank , rinsed the gravel and decoration ...added decholrinator and waste neuraliser ...then left it running as advised by the shop. oh and i doubled up on the waste neuraliser as it advises.

Have i forgotten anything ????
Yes, that is probably the problem. You didn't cycle it- leaving it running builds up no bacteria as they need something to feed on. And after that, you added a lot of messy fish, so I would imagine water wuality isn't great. Try doing a 10% water change each day.

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