For every book I have read that says "Neon Tetras - what a marvellous fish for a beginner" , I read another thing that says "Beginners! Know your limits! Stay away from Neons"
So which is it? ( It's OK - I know there isn't a simple answer)
I have seen several mentions that they are "delicate" - are they prone to something in particular ( and what is Neon Tetra Disease, please?) or are they just very fussy about their water? Or are they known for popping their clogs for no apparent reason?
This brings me on to my next point....I am aware that they need soft, acidic water. Wouldn't you know it, the water where i live is as hard as nails ( well, pretty hard, anyway) and my tap pH is 7.4. I don't think I should mess with that - obviously because I am a total novice and don't know how - but also I do realise that a *stable* pH is important, and how would I manage that at water change time? Naaaaah, not even going to *think* about going there.
Anyway, I asked the guy in the lfs how Neons do in this area, and would they be OK in the local ( dechlorinated, obviously) water. He assured me that anything they sell has been acclimatised to local conditions and will be fine. Is this correct ? Or is this actually a partial answer to my first question about why Neons are delicate - ie because people keep them in the wrong sort of water. Or wil they be sort-of OK, but never really flourish? Or have they been bred so far away from their native conditions that they really are likely to be thoroughly acclimatised?
Thank you for reading

So which is it? ( It's OK - I know there isn't a simple answer)
I have seen several mentions that they are "delicate" - are they prone to something in particular ( and what is Neon Tetra Disease, please?) or are they just very fussy about their water? Or are they known for popping their clogs for no apparent reason?
This brings me on to my next point....I am aware that they need soft, acidic water. Wouldn't you know it, the water where i live is as hard as nails ( well, pretty hard, anyway) and my tap pH is 7.4. I don't think I should mess with that - obviously because I am a total novice and don't know how - but also I do realise that a *stable* pH is important, and how would I manage that at water change time? Naaaaah, not even going to *think* about going there.
Anyway, I asked the guy in the lfs how Neons do in this area, and would they be OK in the local ( dechlorinated, obviously) water. He assured me that anything they sell has been acclimatised to local conditions and will be fine. Is this correct ? Or is this actually a partial answer to my first question about why Neons are delicate - ie because people keep them in the wrong sort of water. Or wil they be sort-of OK, but never really flourish? Or have they been bred so far away from their native conditions that they really are likely to be thoroughly acclimatised?
Thank you for reading