Deleted Threads

Get on with the hobby people.

Its a forum not an official organisation with paid administration.
It doesn't cost anything to join and you get out what you put in...

If you want agro out I'd say go else where.

Other mods on other forums out there would have closed - but ours here haven't that tells me something.

anyway, enough of MY waffling in a post that should now be dead. I, like the mods also, have better things to do with my weekends.
I might go to the shops and get some presents in a bit - 'tis the season of good will and all that!
Oh dear, now my signature seems to have vanished :hyper: ....seems very coincidental. A simple PM telling me it was too long would have done the trick :/

Oh dear, now my signature seems to have vanished :hyper: ....seems very coincidental. A simple PM telling me it was too long would have done the trick :/

You can't really moan at this one, you have been pointed to specific rules and the text you posted has been moved to your profile, so you can compare what you did to the rules. It's not like your sig was just removed with no explanation at all.
or one of the other 8 gazillion posts regarding the signature rules. really, there aren't that many rules here. it's just that the rules we have are very comprehensive.

Pica's Quick Guide to Knowing the Rules:
1) Click on the "General Rules" button under the main banner heading
2) Look at the pinned topic headings to see if any of them say "Read Me: I Contain Guidelines"
3) Read those pinned topics

You'll soon discover that the individual rules can be counted on your fingers. Some of them aren't even rules and are just manifestation of common sense.
Hm, i've only have a few threads of mine closed during my time here, sometimes i have had an explanation on the thread, others i have not, but i have found that when there hasn't been an explanation, the reasons for the thread been closed were pretty obvious.
I think the moderators do a fine job running this forum, and so far i have not seen any of them act unreasonsably or abuse their powers. It is not against the rules for the mods to close a thread with no explanation if the thread did not comply with the rules of the forum, so if they do give an explanation you should be thankful, and if they don't give an explanation, chances are you can figure out the reasons as to why the thread was closed anyway if you just think about what was said in the thread and whether it complied with the rules or not etc.
This all seems to have gone off topic. I know what rules are (yet curse me for being the only person on the site for unknowingly breaking them :rolleyes:)

My original point was that my thread was deleted after it had been edited to make it 'legal'. It was deleted because it expressed an opinion which was deemed negative.

I do now realize that my signature was breaking the rules but it seems as though I was only penalized when I spoke out about an unrelated problem baring in mind I have had the same signature since I started here pretty much.

I'm a mod on a different forum so I'm no novice at this and feel that if members are complaining then it may be worth listening to make the forums are better place for everyone.

I do now realize that my signature was breaking the rules but it seems as though I was only penalized when I spoke out about an unrelated problem baring in mind I have had the same signature since I started here pretty much.

If your going to stick you head up from behind the wall - expect to get shot at :)
The mods can't spend hours a day trawling through the profiles to see who needs a sig change. If someone reports it, or they notice and have time to change it, perhaps, but just because it can take a while to spot doesn't mean members should insult William by ignoring the rules they agreed to when they joined.
No wonder the mods don't have time to tell you why your post / sig has been removed, because they are constantly having to involve themselves in petty discussions like this one.

My advice is this:-


1) Abide by the rules


2) Don't post at all


3) Expect to have your posts / sig modified or removed as appropriate.

Seems simple enough to me!
I do now realize that my signature was breaking the rules but it seems as though I was only penalized when I spoke out about an unrelated problem baring in mind I have had the same signature since I started here pretty much.

If your going to stick you head up from behind the wall - expect to get shot at :)

Ahhhhh right, so if you put your thoughts forward ....... the mods shoot you down! .....As we can see from this thread

.....Prime Example! :no:

By the way you may want to take my signature too!

Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text ...
Information regarding fish stocks and tank specs can be placed in the section provided for this in your personal profiles.

Well, y'know...

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