Deformed Angelfish


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
My friend is moving and she has MTS as do I....we feed off each other!!

anyway......I am keeping her favorite Angels for her till she gets settled....she was raising babies, and selling to LFS's........and she accidently let this one slip by her till it was too big, and she couldn't kull she kept it....just as a pet....not to breed....anyway thought you would like to see it


  • Quazie.jpg
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That is definately one odd looking angel!! :hyper:
Seriously, how does a fish get that deformed???
As a matter of fact I think it awesome and amazing.... :D
Wonder what science would have to say to that?

I have never seen something like that, I mean, it almost looks right :huh: :lol:
Oooh Man! that is the coolest thing ever! :hyper: it looks fake man! i wish i had one just for show.

I wonder if it has like extra organs or something! :alien: :alien: :alien:
grrrr... this is the 3rd time I try to post here.

Was saying that It's a kewl looking fish! Doesn't look like that deformity would hinder his strength or swimming ability. As a matter of fact I wonder if he swims faster than his "normal" tank mates! LOL
yup, looks like 2 angels one is stuck on hes back and the other at the front sort of thing :alien:

he is cute and different, at least he is not deformed in a way that is bad for him.

:kewlpics: give us more pics of these unique angel :kewlpics:
You should try breeding it and see if you guys could isolate the genes that make it do this. New form of angel. You'd be rich! Just like the electric blue dempsey, or the blood red parrot fish(now thats a weird fish). Give it a go. I'll be your first customer even! lol!

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