Deficiency In Plants


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2013
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Hello I have a question about plants and was wondering if anybody would be able to help me. I have a few plants that are starting to get holes in them and browning at the edges I also noticed that the new leaves that are growing are paler green that the old leaves and it looks like the veins are yellow  the new leaves look like they are really thin compared to the older leaves from when I purchased them. Could it be a Iron or Potassium deficiency? I fertilize with flourish. I started with 5ml everyday and started getting brown algae on my plants so I started dosing 1ml everyday now algae seems to be going away now but pants haven't gotten better. Please help :(
More likely Nitrogen deficiency (colouring) coupled with CO2 deficiency (holes, thining/clear leaves)
The circumstantial evidence would then maybe point to lighting too high for given fertiliser/CO2...?
I have pretty low light  i have a 55 gallon and only 56 watts in total im just ordering a new light should be getting it next week i do have a DIY co2 system but with only a 2 liter bottle with 2 cups sugar 1/4 of yeast and rest water and im thinking i need to add another two liter bottle. What is your opinion?
No not broken just not enough wattage for the carpet plants i want
56 Watts of what? There's a big difference to what's out there for the same wattage.
Worth knowing how deep a tank it is as well for the carpet plants.
well its about almost two feet deep and isnt there a rule that there should be two watts per gallon

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