Deep Sand Bed


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I am interested in looking in to using a DSB to consume nitrates as well...naturally. What are the different ways I can implement this into my aquariums. Is it best to put this into a sump as to not limit the creatures I can have in the tank?

Any information or reference to a source on this would be awesome :) :D
DSB work far better in a sump IMO. IF you do this then the DSB doesnt need to make room for liverock and thus gives better surface area, you can of course keep creatures in the main tank that would cause the DSB problems. and you can vary the flow through the sump to adjust the flow through the sand.

DSBs work amazingly well and are probably the best form of filtration to support liverock, however its no a filter for beginners and i strongly urge you to gain as much info as possible before trying one out.

Mineral mud systems remove nnitrates also.. can i ask why you would prefer a DSB over a mineral mud system? the mud system is far more forgiving to beginners etc.
Well, I really just have no clue. I have just heard that there are ways of removing nitrates. Or at least keep them in check which is important if you have a reef tank.

My 55 gal Fish Only tank could benefit with a DSB in the main aquarium I think. Because there is no live rock or sand sifting animals in the tank. This tank runs with a canister filter and Biowheel media only at the moment. Which runs very excellent. But the nature of the setup provides no nitrate elimination

I have seen some miracle mud kits available online. I really just have no clue on the different options and how to make them work.
i have seen systems with mineral mud hanging on the bakc of the tank. However, its best suited for sumps really.

DSB in th main tank can work. It needs to be at least 5 inches deep

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