Fish Fanatic
Ok, I have a 4ft long UK 30gallon/110lt, old worn gravel substrate fish tank (with a background) with two silver sharks and 3 gouramis in it...my mollies died last year about a month apart (old age maybe) and I had to put my wee albino cory out of action 2 months ago, I thought he had swimbladder & was treating him for that but he didn't get any better and deteriorated really badly so the ugly job had to be done...
Since then I got a betta about 6 weeks ago, who is absolutely gorgeous - haven't had any trouble with him at all. He didn't eat anything for the first couple of days I brought him home so I was a little worried & I couldn't get online to check/post anything as my pc had crashed
but he soon perked up & started munching away then I read online here that, that kind of behaviour was pretty normal so....
6 weeks on I would like to get some more tankmates obviously not lots at the same time but was wondering if you had any pointers on what would be suitable with the betta? I'd really like some loaches but I dunno if they'd be suitable what with the gravel vs sand thing...?
I know some of you will pick up on the tank size and say it's too big and the 5 other fish that are in there already might not be suitable but honestly they all get on fine and there has been no trouble whatsoever.

Since then I got a betta about 6 weeks ago, who is absolutely gorgeous - haven't had any trouble with him at all. He didn't eat anything for the first couple of days I brought him home so I was a little worried & I couldn't get online to check/post anything as my pc had crashed

6 weeks on I would like to get some more tankmates obviously not lots at the same time but was wondering if you had any pointers on what would be suitable with the betta? I'd really like some loaches but I dunno if they'd be suitable what with the gravel vs sand thing...?
I know some of you will pick up on the tank size and say it's too big and the 5 other fish that are in there already might not be suitable but honestly they all get on fine and there has been no trouble whatsoever.