Decided To Spawn Both (was Need Help Choosing)


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
British Columbia - Canada
All of my fish are conditioned - it's just a matter of choosing
I really want to breed Kaden but he's not a bubble nester - we'll see when i go back down if he's made any nest and i'm not really certain of his age either. My MG female is in the holey bowl in the tank as we speak all barred up and beautiful and driving Kaden wild - but he's just that - Wild! he's zipping around that tank like his fin's are on fire.
While Gulliver on the other hand - took one look at gold SD and flared a bunch and then went straight to bubble nesting ...A LOT - Obsessively!
Here's some pics to influence your decisions...



Thanks for the Input
Greatly Appreciated!
i would go for the 1st pair they look very nice and im sure you will have alsom looking fry from them. :thumbs:
i actually say 2nd pair... :unsure: i like the females colors and the male has such lovely patterns.
You can always try to breed both of the pairs, If you can only breed one i would
go with the first pair. They are very pretty.
Well, personally I like the second pair. I love the males markings. However I like the yellows too. But since I'm a sucker for Plakats I like the second pair better.
i'd really like to start with the second pair - Kaden and MG female
The problem is, i just checked on them and kaden's bubble nest is least he did one but it's really not great, the female is in the tank but in her holey bowl. I'm planning on releasing her late tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll get some action.
So i have a question about bubble it quality or quantity?
Second pair would be an awesome start they look like theyd have some cool fry plus the male is very pretty. No telling what you'd get crossing them two! :hey:
So the release was this morning but i'm a little worried.
1 - turns out he's a bit of a bully
2 - there was less bubble nest this morning than last night so i borrowed Gully's massive nest.
What do you think guys?
Have any of you had experience with real bully boys?
it's been an entire day and nothing has happened - they're just ignoring each other or she's hiding. I have a feeling it's not warm enough - the temp is only 73 cause the submersible heater broke yesterday - well, it's was actually faulty and i can't get one for a couple days. i'll try to take this one back tomorrow but i don't have a bill so i'm not sure.
Any tips on how i can get the action going? or just wait it out? or is it possible they're just not gonna do anything.
Also - should i leave her in over night or jar her in the tank again?
If I were you, I'd just wait it out. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for them to get goin'. As long as she's not so beat up that she's in real danger, it'll be ok to leave her in overnight :)
So i went down at about noon and turned on the light an then they started chasing again. The girls fins are quite nipped but it's just fins - i don't believe her health is in danger. It all started looking really good after the light went on. Kaden was swimming all over the place and she was following and swimming with her head down. He tried to lead her to the nest numerous times but never stayed long enough for her to join him. So it seems like she just got tired of it and went to a corner and then he got nippy and zippy again.
What should i do?

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