December Nominations

May I nominate a couple of my fishies? If not, at least the pictures are pretty.... :lol: This is Flex in her show tank.
This is Bubba, my male Tiger Oscar. Sorry the picture isn't too clear.
You can't nominate your own fish.

Please post your pics in the forum and then someone needs to nominate it, then it needs to be seconded, THEN it can be put in this thread.
smb said:
You can't nominate your own fish.

Please post your pics in the forum and then someone needs to nominate it, then it needs to be seconded, THEN it can be put in this thread.
Ok....Just asking. :*) :sad: :sad:
EddieW and Goldene, please put your pics in here from last months nominations so they may be entered into the contest.

Ok....Just asking.

lol, it's ok FishHeads. I was just letting you know the rules is all. :)

I guess there is were I place a link to my tank that was nominated. (missed in Nov)

Yep, and thank you elgecko. :)
FishHeads said:
And finally, this is Shadow2 my grey Beta. :D
What camera/shutter speed did you use to capture this picture? It's pretty awesome.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
FishHeads said:
And finally, this is Shadow2 my grey Beta. :D
What camera/shutter speed did you use to capture this picture? It's pretty awesome.
I don't know my fiance's sister took it with hers. The lens is HUUUUUGGGGEEE and very long.....I know nothing about cameras. lol :X She used that picture for her portfolio too. :D

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