
Well, the trap failed. I set the trap around 3 yesterday afternoon, checking every so often. Once I found a hermit crab in there, but otherwise nothing. I turned the lights off about 10 last night, checked about an hour later with the red light, nothing. Sneaked up on it and checked at 4:30 am with the red light, still found nothing in the trap nor anything moving about the tank. This morning I found one of my shrimp in there chowing down, of course.
I've heard that you can take a piece of rock and sit it in a bucket of salt water, then use a baster to squirt freshwater in the holes and anything in there should come out. However, I'm not sure if that'd kill everything else on the rock that I paid for to begin with. I'm really not sure what to do next, so any help would be appreciated.
The freshwater method you indicated isn't a bad idea, won't kill anything. The other idea which I've never tried myself but Anthony Clafo swears by is the magnesium option. Get a small bucket of RO water and put say ~5 cups per gallon of a magnesium suppliment (epsom salts or mag chloride) into the water. Then take the rock out, and dip it in the mag suppliment for a minute or so. Inverts should run screaming from the rocks.
Heh, damn, that didn't work huh? Well, then maybe the clownfish did get territorial, it's possible. Wish I could help more :unsure: Keep an eye/ear out whenever possible. One more suggestion... Try feeding just a little bit of frozen one night a couple hours after lights out. Might entice any critters to come out to be caught in the act with the flashlihgt ;)

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