Death In The Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK
so it finally happened,i always knew it would be a risk and i was advised to be cautious but i did it and it worked well for a good few months

i had a tank with my betta,5 endlers and 3 cherry shrimp
the shrimp i knew was a risk but they were in the tank before my betta and they never got harmed although there was a mysterious death just over a month ago but nothing ever pointed to my betta
as for the endlers,i was warned but i went ahead and apart from a few teething problems it was all ok...or so i thought

i have just been to my tank and found "number 5" my littlest endler dead on the bottom with his tail chewed off
it is quite obviouse what has happened,what i was warned against,the betta attacking them because they have long fins :(
so i am left with a dilema,do i leave the tank as it is and hope for the best or do i move my betta out of his 35 liter and buy him his own little tank?

monz x
ideally he should have his own tank, but to be honest endlers can drop down very fast and the other fish will start to eat away at bits of them so it couldve just been a natural death, worth checking your water stats though to make sure things are ok in the tank.
Get him his own 10 gallon...hes a pimp so why not have a player mansion
Awww I'm sorry one of your fish died. Are you sure it was the betta though? Have you seen the betta become aggressive in any way towards the other fish? The dead endler you saw could've started to be eaten by the shrimp or the other fish. Fish will tend to start pecking at the weak one before it's even dead.
I had a danio who became very ill & was dying, and the other danios started nipping at it all over the place (they had never nipped eachother before).
i'm pretty sure it was my betta.
when i found him my betta was having a nibble on my endlers body and the whole body was fine except for his fins were gone

just,thought...i had better check my tank before i carry on lol
yeah they are all still there

i was talking with my girlfriend lastnight and we both agreed that he needs his own place so were are gonna go pets at home later and pick up a little tempory tank until payday when he can have his own playboy mansion lol

i will check my stats,is the pets at home free watertest worth bothering with? if not i willpick up a new test kit when i get paid

i knew it was a risky combo but it worked well for ages :(
he was so docile and placid
i knew the risks but i kinda had the "it only happens to other people" mentality

does anybody have any tips on how 2 catch a betta?
i've tried before but failed miserably

will it be ok for the new tank if i fill it with water from my other tank and put a chunk of filter floss and filter media in the filter to seed it then put him in?
i know its not quite cycling but obviously i dont have a month to do a full fishless cycle

oh well,guess i have a new tank to decorate...and more space in my other tank for something else :D

monz x
Putting in some of the filter media from a mature tank in to the new tank should pretty much insta-cycle it. I do it all the time whenever I have to place filter media for some reason and have never had a problem. I always keep extra filter media in our big tank.

Doesn't really matter if the water is from the old tank. If you're worried about it though, do half from the old tank and half w/ fresh dechlorinated water.

I've never really had a problem catching a betta. Does it come to the surface begging for food?
Open up the top, and have your net ready.
Or take a bigger net, put it in to the tank, get a smaller net, and "herd" or whatever the betta in to the bigger net.

And just b/c the betta was chompin on the dead fish still doesn't necessarily mean that it was the cause. Most fish will nibble on dead tank buddies. I'd still get him his own tank though :D
ideally he should have his own tank, but to be honest endlers can drop down very fast and the other fish will start to eat away at bits of them so it couldve just been a natural death, worth checking your water stats though to make sure things are ok in the tank.

i thought endlers were quite hardy.. ive had my 2 for about 2 1/2 months now =\
jus got an aqua one 320 tank for him
its only 28 liters but it looks pretty sexy
just gotta fish him out now lol
my main tank looks so bare now as i have taken out 2 live plants and the cave
guess i have a bit of work 2 do now lol

monz x
Just ordered a 320 with internal filter (not undergravel) for my daughter - she wants dwarf frogs and if that goes OK, a betta. Hope you can post some pics of yours when it's set up - give us some ideas? Also any advice, problems with this tank?

Good luck with the tank - sorry about your endler... :(
when i got the tank it didnt specify what filter it was and it turned out to be under gravel,
the tank is all set up and he has moved in,he's had a right old flare on him since but he will be fine
i will put up pics later

the only problem is my old tank is now missing
1 shrimp
1 endler
1 betta
a stone cave
and 2 plants

guess i need to sort that 1 out now
because the aqua one's bulb is so bright my other tank looks well gloomy

my only concern is the current but i will sort that out soon

will post pics later

monz x
It could have just been other fish after it died. My gouramis started to devour my platy while it was still (just about) alive!
And the armano shrimps dont hang around either.
Dont blame the poor betta if he hasnt been showing any signs of attacking them :(

Get him his own 10 gallon...hes a pimp so why not have a player mansion
lol. right on. you grabbed that advice right outta the gate :good: . Hope beast is still on the rebound bro.

Advice for catching bettas since nobody has responded to that yet:

I keep the cups i buy them in (if from a petstore). Just put your fingers at the surface as if you were feeding..... wait for them to be totally infatuated with your hand (ehem food)..... ..... ....... SCOOP!

Just use the suction of the cup right behind them in a really quick downward motion and you have them every time net free straight into a little temporary home while you do what you need to do.

edit: Amunent did give you advice on that I just caught. Just another method that doesnt require a net.
bettas (male)

are some kind of a c*ck
they don't want fishes that are more
flashy than them. so it's always best
to get them a tank of their own.
its all ok though,whether he killed my endler or not its all worked out for the best
in his new tank he is constantly making bubble nests
and the endlers can now finaly eat at the surface (he would always chase them away)
and i have a new tank :)
gonna redo my main tank as a display of lots of different endler hybrids :D :D :D

so everybody is happy and i guess endler number 5 didnt die in vain

monz x

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