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Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon , planted aquarium with 8 orange von rios tetras, 2 caes, 2 ottos, 1 large male molly,5 molly fry, 4 ghost shrimp & 2 pearl graumis.

first to go was one of my gaurmis, one night all was fine but then in the morning he was covered in fungus and dead as a door nail :eek: the gaurmis , I had just gotten about a week ago and showed no signs of ill health.

I've had my tetras for well over a month and they had actually been spawning and no signs of ill health.

I have now lost 3 orange von rios, they just dropped dead, no fungus covered them. they were pale looking and the eyes seemed a little bulgy (NOT POPEYE) at death, mouth was wide open. but other then that I had no sign before or after death for an explaination.

They molly fry are fine, the ottos are fine & every one else seems to be fine as well.

just before all this I had did a water change of about 25% & all went well.

Water is fine.

I took out the carbon & put some meds in ; BINOX Extra strength Bacteria & Fungus remedy. I only used half the reccomended dosage since I have ottos in there. Active ingredients are ; Soudium Chloride, Nitrofurazone, & Nitromersol.

What could this mystery disease be? oh I hope the meds will make all better :-(
4 deaths in 2 days.. It's horrible!! :-(

Filtraition : 2 large corner filters, & a Bio Wheel 330

Also done some reading here & now that I think of it , the molly's poo looks stringy kinda but he seems to be fine.. perhaps his poo looks like that cause he has been eating the alge disks I put in there for the ottos??
If the eyes were bulging why do you think it wasn't popeye, long stringy white poo is internal parasites.
The reason why I know it isn't popeye is because I have seen & dealt with popeye before.
So far, no more fish have died so I am going to wait two more days and do another water change as suggested by the meds I put in the tank.
Please help!!!! :-(

My Gourami now has cotton mouth!!! I think!!
White fungus stuff around it's mouth.
What should I do??
I added a little more medication to the tank since i only treated it for 25 gallons the first time. (55 gallon tank)
Mollies , ottos & caes are still doing fine.
Should I make a 50% water change??
I dont want my gourami to die!!!! :crazy:

Also I had mentioned in another thread about my tetras spawing. I read that they needed live food to be conditioned into spawing. well I hadn't planned on having them spawn but I did have a problem with some type of larve in my tank due to the house plants nearby (only place they could of come from possibly) they are some kinda plant fly I think (little green fly) anyway my tatras were eating them. could they be the cause of my tetras dying??

Oh please some help. this is truly an emergency!!!!
I am still wondering if I should do a major water change....
I'm just not sure if that's a good idea....
Well my Gourami is now on his last leg :-( , what looked like cotton mouth earlier now looks less like a growth but more like someting is eating away his skin. he goes up to the surface for air and pushes almost half of his body out of the water for air.
My Tetras now look kinda bloated & my male molly's poo is stringy looking but he is acting fine as are the baby fry.

All have different symptoms but the most dire at the moment is my pearl Gourami.

Not sure if anyone is even reading my posts here.... I am feeling pretty bad & now wondering if I should just log out of here all together and go do a major water change anyway.

The meds I put in were not for internal parasites if that's what is going on too.
All this happened after I did a reg 25% water change recently...

I hate this, this just sucks!! I don't know what to do. these things happen so fast!! Last week every one was doing great & even had tetras spawing :-( :-( :-(
I really loved this Gouarmi :-(
He is now dead ( soon after this picture was taken )
this is the 2nd one to die & now there are no more.

Notice the tip of his face, all the way past the eye - this is the illness (whatever it is) he had.

My tetras have something else and my molly could possibly have yet some else other then the two.
I'm sorry,Maya :( You've truly got an awful situation on your hands. In my opinion you have an awful case of flexibactor columnaris on your hands. It spreads rapidly and kills the infected fish usually within 24 hours. There's really nothing you could have done once it was in full force.

What do you have left?
I have 7 molly fry ( have been fine through all this )
1 Black molly ( fine other then stringy poo )
2 ottos ( have been fine through all this )
2 Cae ( have been fine through all this )
5 Orange von rios ( had 8 2 days ago )

What can I do now?? :-(

how does that stuff start??

*pulling hair out at this point*
how does that stuff start??
It's a bacteria that is ever present in your water but it only effects fish during stress. The best way to keep these things under control is to do large,regular water changes.
When's the last time you added a new fish?

For now you must keep using your anti-bacterial med as recommended on the box. Stay on top of your water changes. What's your water temperature at?
I just looked flexibactor columnaris up and read about the high temp being a factor. the last time I checked temp it was fine but just now for some reason it was up there just before 80 :crazy:
I quickly lowered it & crossing fingers.
The last time I added fish was 2 weeks ago, the pearl gouramis.
but just before all this crazyness, I had done a regular water change but must admit that I had'nt been doing them weekly prior :-(

oh what have I done!!
Should I do another water change?

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