Dear Santa

More fish, New LCD heater, Plants, plants, plants, plants, plants, A nice background, plants, Maybe a good CO2 system, plants.
More fish, New heater, Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks, A nice background i`ll make myself, rocks, Do`nt real need a good CO2 system, rocks.
Money to start converting a freshwater to marine. (its only about £400
Dear Santa,

I've been a good girl this year and I'd like a
-ten gallon kit
-Sea Monkeys
-my friend's shih tzu puppy
-a pomerainian pup
-another cat
-A bigger house

All that stuff I'll NEVER get! xD
Want sea monkeys... Go to the aquarium store, amd buy a brine shrimp hatchery. Lol

I want
A 30 inch coralife Luner Aqualight 124 watt lighting fixture
@CFC Hehe yeah, I should buy a bunch of them and be a brine shrimp breeder!

Now that's not as easy as it sounds. Believe me, I've tried it.

I still want a dosing pump or two to automate my ferts. That would make life easier.
I'm designing a cheap DIY one of those Rob so keep an eye. ;)
An Eheim biopower 200 internal filter please.

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