Dear Santa

anybody elses fish have a dear santa letter that they want to get out?
Yes, my Bettas do.

Dearest Santa,

We are writing to you today to ask a few small things of you.

1. Please don't let our human put those tacky bows on our tank. They make us look like some decoration, and we all know we are so much more then that. If you come, and they are on the tanks, please feel free to rip them off and take them.

2. Please make that annoying cat stop staring at our tanks and occasionally swiping her paw at us. She makes us look like little wimpy fools when we cower away from her dangerous blows. Give her some cat-grass or something to distract her when you come.

3. Please make our human give us much more Live/Frozen food. She only gives it 4 times a week, yet says it's so we don't get too much "High-Protein Food". Yeh right, she makes it sound like she's looking out for us! So if you could give her a freezer full of frozen foods that'd be appreciated. Maybe she'd get the freakin' hint then. We have tried looking sullen and like we are dead on the days we don't get Frozen or Live, but she just doesn't get it.

4. And finally, please make our human to stop talking to us. We don't like talking to lower beings. Get her a dog.

The Bettas

P.S. We will have a glass of tank water and some krill cookies waiting by the door.

They are the only ones who wanted to write a letter, all the others were too busy looking for food. :dunno:

(By the way, where do I address this? North Pole or Finland? Did Santa move?)
Dear Santa,

Thank you for the new plant you gave us last year. Jack is sorry he ate it all by boxing day.
This year, could you please make the creature attached to the hand that feeds us make that other creature who peers in the tank sometimes finish the DIY so we can move into our new house?
Also, could you detach the creature which is currently attached to the Hand That Feeds so that the Hand will just stay and keep feeding us? At the moment, the creature keeps taking teh Hand away.
Thankyou santa
Jack, Little Snuffles, Medium Snuffles, Big Snuffles, Greed, Avarice, Lust, Anger, Vanity, Pride and the Other One.
Dear Santa

It’s not fair that our mom is going on a month’s holiday and we are stuck with a carer that is under strict instructions to feed us sparingly. What have we done to deserve that ? We've been good all year :/
We are not impressed.
This is the season where everyone drinks and eats to excess, but all we have to look forward to (*not*), is a diet.
So please please please can you at least send someone nice that will check in on us and make sure we’re all ok – we’re quite worried really.

And as for that pesky cat: he will no doubt be staring at us all day long and tapping the glass. In absence of his normal company, more then usual we suppose.
Honestly ! Does he not get it after all these years ?
So please can you bring the cat some nice toys to amuse himself in some other way? We’ve really had enough now.

Oh, just one thing we would like really - could we please have a new large comfy bogwood with lots of new hiding places.
We're a bit bored now of the ones that have been in the tank for a couple of years now. So we'd like some new decor please :thumbs:
Santa lives in Finland, Corvatunturi, as thapsus said.
So here's my fishy letter:
Dear Fishy Claus,
Could you bring that weird human some plants, some bogwood, Co2 fertalization set and some lights, to decorate our tank a little, we don't need any special food as he already spend 25$ on food for us to eat, we will spare some for you to eat, and could you also make that human's mom to stop enterfirng with the hobby, as she is making it harder for us to live. Also could you bring him some ferts, and wood, for a bigger hood to house the lights, and some material so he can build a better filter? Also could you make him stop from getting to prague for 3 days tomorow or send us someone more generuse than his granny, to take care of us? And could you get us a better heater, it's kind of chily latelly, cos it's already snowing??

So dear Fishy Claus could you do that for us, or would it be too hard?

Love fishyes.

PS: We will have fish flakes, daphnia, bloodworms, pelets, and stuff like that on the hood with some aquarium water.
Sitri has requested that I add another 2.5 gallon tank to my Christmas list, as his old 2.5g bowl cracked while it was being cleaned today and he's stuck in a 1 gallon until I can come up with something else :/

What a spoiled one he is. I've still got 10 bettas who live in 1 gallons permanently!

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