DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!!!

god, stop over reacting like a 2 year old child. I am sure he puts it back right away after the photo shoot
Loveless said:
god, stop over reacting like a 2 year old child. I am sure he puts it back right away after the photo shoot
wow quite the rude thing aren't we?????????
please don't post unless its nice

looks like you yourself are acting like a child
even your info is lippy asuming that every one of us is out there to pick fights with you!

"if you can't say nothing nice, don't say anything at all!"

As far as i can see they are doing nothing wrong with the handling of those fish, they are handling them with wet hands and in many of the pictures still have the fish in the damp net.

I think "DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!" is a bit of a over reaction :lol:
CFC said:
As far as i can see they are doing nothing wrong with the handling of those fish, they are handling them with wet hands and in many of the pictures still have the fish in the damp net.

I think "DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!" is a bit of a over reaction :lol:
i know you guys can't tell facial expressions, sarcasm or emotions over the internet, so i know ya don't know
i'm a really strange individual and i titled this in a purposly exadurated manner :lol:
i do it as an attention grabber cause i thought it was wierd that people picked the fish up in their hands.
i'm not freaking out :rofl:
in thailand they laugh at silly farang who go into the fields and swamps with big nets trying to catch bettas. even little kids know the best way to catch them is with your hands. ;)
edit, this only applied when catching wild bettas as the places they hang out in are impossible to get at otherwise. with bettas raised on farms i'm sure they use those nifty scoopers i've seen ;)
thats crazy :D
i thought you weren't supposed to touch fish
ask anyone, anything and it almost always changes from person to person!
hahaha :lol:
You arent supposed to handle fish with dry hands. You have to wet them first. I guess its a bit like burining them otherwise, you take off their protective membrane.
I'm jealous of people who have found a way to make a living doing that fun stuff!!!
I love to wade in streams and catch and release little bugs n shrims and fish... the few times I get to do it out side of the US I always seem to have some person screaming at me..NO NOT THAT SNAKE IT WILL KILL YOU!... I think my passions will be the death of me one day :(
Adrinal said:
I'm jealous of people who have found a way to make a living doing that fun stuff!!!
I love to wade in streams and catch and release little bugs n shrims and fish... the few times I get to do it out side of the US I always seem to have some person screaming at me..NO NOT THAT SNAKE IT WILL KILL YOU!... I think my passions will be the death of me one day :(
i know!
thats totally me!
i see something moving in the grass and shoot my arm down and grab it before i know what it is!!!!!!!!
usually its garder snakes, red racers, or water snakes by the lake!!!!!
once though i caught a field mouse! i was surprised i actually caught the bugger but immediatley released it! i'm more worried about getting bit by wild mice than snakes! :lol:
I am not one for taking fish out of water for a picture. That's like holding us under water for one.


I have picked fish up with my hands though but only to avoid netting them and my farlowella and plecs let me.
hehe you would need one great camera to take underwater pics in a river... and fast reflexes too :)
hehe you would need one great camera to take underwater pics in a river... and fast reflexes too

I'm going to have some pics for you this summer :D *waiting for it to warm up so he can use underwater housing*

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