Dead Plec?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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I had a plec that i had only had for about 5-6 months and he went from about 1-2 inch to about 4-5 inch in that time then died of unknown causes! He was a healthy plec and was never shy but sudenly i woke up one morning and he was dead. Someone tell me some reasons from this info. :-(
I have a 2ft tank and i had 2-3 healthy female guppies and 1 healthy male guppy and about 5 fry, oh and it was a sailfin plec.
A sailfin pleco in a 2ft tank? tbh its not suprising it suddenly died the tank was way too small,

What were you feeding it?
What are the water parameters?
I knew it would get to big for the tank but i had a shop that would take it when it got to big and the PH was 6.4 the day he died all nitrite, nitrate and ammonia where at min.
It ate algea from the sides of the tank as thats what a plec does its a cleaning fish.
Well my 2ft tank is restocked completely as my fish died. I will always have a just-guppy-tank as guppies are quite facinating to watch and i do breed my guppies. I did a non-fish cycle before restocking.
So you didn't actually feed it? Plecos need other foods to prevent them from starving, or suffering from malnutrition,

Plecos may eat algae but they certainly aren't cleaner fish due to the amount of waste they produce,

On the whole if thats the only point in buying one then the tank is much better off without them as they add greatly to the overall bioload in the tank, not to mention their waste feeds the algae,
Well i gave it cucumber and it finished them off mostly.
cucumber is mostly moisture and holds little nutritional value
Well what can i feed my new one for it's nutrition.
If it is another sailfin the best thing you can do is take it straight back before it gets stunted.

Plecs are NOT 'cleaner fish' and you should not get any fish to clean your tank - that is your job.

Plecs like all fish need appropriate food, water quality and tank size.
catfish tablets, Spirulina Wafers, Garlic enriched brineshrimp, and the occassional bloodworm, diced prawns, courgette and peas
I knew it would get to big for the tank but i had a shop that would take it when it got to big and the PH was 6.4 the day he died all nitrite, nitrate and ammonia where at min.
It ate algea from the sides of the tank as thats what a plec does its a cleaning fish.

I'm also sorry this is in the rarer livebearers section as i forgot which section i was looking at when i started this topic

You were posting here on razors topic

If it is another sailfin the best thing you can do is take it straight back before it gets stunted.

Plecs are NOT 'cleaner fish' and you should not get any fish to clean your tank - that is your job.

Plecs like all fish need appropriate food, water quality and tank size.

No disrespect intended misscosmo but this is probably why your first plec died,has you said on the other thread,that you clean the tank every 3-6 months,,,
Ok i will take it back what other species can i get for a 2ft tank? (that don't cost to much) and where can i get one from?
I live in Sheffield, England.

I know plecs are NOT cleaner fish but i was in a mood today because i had been quite upset and i'm sorry i took it out on you guys by whipping that back at you.

This may sound stupid but i don't know what i would have done if i hadn't found this site and i know your probably all thinking 'No it doesn't sound stupid because you would have put your plec in a to small tank and it would have been stunted and died early.' but it wasn't intentional and i'm really sorry for the fish and for you guys. You don't know how much i NEED to thank you all.
Thank you so so much.
If it is another sailfin the best thing you can do is take it straight back before it gets stunted.

Plecs are NOT 'cleaner fish' and you should not get any fish to clean your tank - that is your job.

Plecs like all fish need appropriate food, water quality and tank size.

You forgot one thing they need the same love and attention as the other fish and i have had people say 'eeew what's that ugly thingy stuck to your ship ornament' and i have replied with 'that's my plec and don't say eeew to him he's a really nice fish just like the rest of them'.
LOL, what fish and any other inhabitants do you currently have in your tank? What are the actual dimensions of the tank?

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