Dead oto


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
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Mt. Holly, NC
I found another of my otos dead today. That is the second one I have lost. The first died 2 days after I got them. I kind of chalked that up to the fact that I got it a PetSmart. This one lasted about 3 weeks. Neither of them showed any signs of being sick. Of course, they stay hid or stuck to the tank most of the time so it's hard to tell. That leaves me with only one. Has anyone had the same experience with them, that they just turn up dead? I test the water daily (I guess I'm paranoid) and everything is fine, ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is 7.5 pH is 6.6.
Otos are just generally finicky little creatures. They're really sensitive to water changes. I got a replacement for one of mine that died last week, and finally picked it up tonight. I spent an hour acclimating him to the tank by gradually adding more water to his bag to get him used to my water params and temperature. Now he seems happy and is swimming with the rest of the otos. :)

Chances are you will get at least one in every purchase that ends up dying. They're just.. like that.
dont know how long otoc. cats have been on the market but i've only noticed them recently and thought of buying one-researched/read alittle and yes, they do die abruptly.....sensitive fish? special needs? doesnt like tanks?
I copied and pasted this out of a thread from a few weeks back:

"Otos are pretty much 100% wild caught -- and as all invertebrates, they cannot directly digest cellulose and plant fibers. There is a colony of bacteria in their gut that does this for them. (Just like a cow's stomach for a very good analogy.) Since they are wild caught, the trip can be long, and if the otos do not get a new source of food, their digestive systems begin to consume the bacteria in their gut for sustinence. The problem is that even when food becomes abundant again, there may not be enough bacteria remaining to grow fast enough to support the fish. So, even with plenty of aglae and cucumber and other food available, the fish can starve top death because they have no way to change the food into something digestable and usable by thier body. So, lack of food combined with another environment change and all the stress therein can often be too much for the poor little guys.

Now, the reason you are advised to only buy the fish that have been at the LFS for a fair amount of time is that you can be reasonably sure that that fish has been eating and it bacterial colonly has not been scavanged. There is an external sign, as well -- a well-fed Oto will have a pudgy little tummy, almost like a Buddha. Conversely, one that has had to scavange its gut bacteria will have a little bit caved in tummy. So, next time, look for the ones that have pudgy little tummys -- most likely the ones that have survived the transit the best. "
I guess I've been really lucky (*knocks on wood*). I've always heard they're very sensitive too, but I've had good luck with them and haven't lost one yet.

My 3 otos have survived me moving them from tank-to-tank and everything. (I've had them since last July) They've actually become one of my favorite fish :wub: They're just so little & cute, and to me they look so pretty when they're lounging on the driftwood or the leaf of an amazon sword.


The "Buddaha belly" that bignose mentioned (though the one is looking a bit thinner, I know, trust me they're well fed haha):

LOL that one is so skinny compared to the other fat ones
p.s. dont buy wild caught fishes're not alone. I've lost 2 without any warning as well. The two I have surviving I treat as best I can by adding either spinach leaves or zucchini to a clip in the case the algae is scant. Dont' worry...I'm not an expert at this, but, I think that we all lose fish sometimes for reasons we may never know. As for their sensitivity, I have two that have survived ich treatments and 30% water changes. Maybe the 'stomach bacteria' explanation is the best one. SH
I don't do excessive water changes, just 5 gallon once a week. Mine almost never swim. They just stay attached to the glass or more often the heater. I almost never see them swimming around. There is plenty of blue green algae for them to eat (that has been another problem but is getting better) plus I usually put in a sinking wafer every day for them, the corys and the shrimp.
The stomach bacteria is the reason I always say otos need live algae in their diets. This bacteria lives on algae so if you have algae in your tank, the otos should be getting some of these bacteria to start off their own little internal colony. After all, it makes sense to me that something that helps an oto digest algae and other vegetation should live and feed off this algae naturaly as well.
Sheesh. I never knew they were so sensitive. I have a horrible time with nitrates in my tank... Thankfully going down with the addition of some more live plants. I have had the same 3 for going on 8 months now. I must just be lucky.

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