I'll ask the guy when i go then, hopefully getting there tomorrow, half day at colleg and mums not at work.
I bought a auction for 99p which explained how to hand feed koi. It explains in detail how to do it but basically it says ....( iwas going to type a quick one but i couldn't be bothered!!!)
All Chagoi and Ochiba are easy to hand tame after settling in using the same technique as described here, it works. And customers following the few steps below have noticed most of their other koi will follow the example set by these koi and come for food as well.
The combination of good quality warm water, and the ability for these type of koi to overcome their fear of people to get food will astound you if you have never seen this before.
Step one. For the fastest way to do this you will need to buy one of these type of koi or preferably two, as two will settle in quicker and it will work faster. Any size from about 5" upwards will work. They don't need to be show quality and you can get some nice ones at reasonable prices.
While they are in your quarantine system (we always advise quarantining all koi no matter where they come from, and that includes us) feed very sparingly for the first few days. Whatever you do don't be tempted to give them too much, you are trying to settle them in but get them to want more food than you are giving them at the moment.
Step two. If the water temperature is below 60F slowly raise it to this level, if you don't have a heater then you can try the next steps at a cooler temperature but it won't work as well as in warm water and you may need to wait until the weather warms up. If it is naturally warmer than this that's fine, but at the time of writing this it's very cold. Keep feeding sparingly as long as the temperature is above 50f.
Step three. You will find as the water is getting warmer the koi are getting more active, they may already be taking food from your fingers, if they are you have got there, if they are starting to come close but not actually taking food from your fingers, this is where you stop feeding for two days apart from the odd pellet. During these two days go to the tank or pond as many times as you can each day putting one piece of food between your fingers. Slowly put your hand in the water and wait. Don't make any sudden movements and ask other people to keep back. If the koi are hungry during these two days they will come up to your fingers, if one takes a piece try again with another pellet to see if it will do it again. If they do not take one remove the pellet from the pond or tank and don't feed. Make them come for it, keep trying, these type of koi will eventually overcome their fear of you and take the food. If they have not come near in the two days, then feed as normal for the next two days, then try the same again for the next two days. It will work.
Step four. You should now have the Chagoi and Ochiba types eating out of your hand, this will get better as they suck your fingers and are waiting for you when you come with the food. Most people are at this stage within a few days, some on the first day. If these koi have been in quarantine and you have got them to this stage you will be itching to mix them with your other koi, don't be tempted until the quarantine period is over. When you are ready, introduce the Chagoi and Ochiba types to your pond with the other koi. When they have settled in put some food in your hand and hold a couple of pieces in the pond, let the hand tame Chagoi or Ochiba take this from you, they will be the first ones up. The other koi will see what is happening and swim near. Do not feed the others yet unless they come to hand. Make them wait for a while, when the hand tame ones have had a few pellets let a few pellets go around the heads of the hand tame ones (not too many) the other koi will come nearer to get these or get them as they float around.
Step five. Day by day with patience you will see a big difference, more of your koi will start to come closer you will be amazed with the hand tame Chagoi and Ochiba, as they grow they become more graceful and develop an individual personality. This attitude and calmness rubs off on the other koi and you will find that one by one they will come closer. Some will snatch food from you and others will calmly swim past and take pellets from you. And some like the big girl in the photo's you saw on e bay will sit back in the water with their mouth open waiting for you to pour food in. Follow these simple steps and you will get there. Eventually 80 to 90% of your koi will take food from your fingers
One thing to remember is once a few are hand feeding don't starve the others just because they take longer to come. When you finish playing with the ones that come to hand leave some food in for the others. They will come up for it in their own time.