Dead fish in the filter


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2003
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I was just talking someone who recent;y lost a fish to fin rot - After being attacked by a cat

He said he put the dead fish into the filter - Is this sensible or could it contaminate the pond??
Definately take it out and bury it, it will first atrack unwanted visitors like vermin which will contaminate the water and if the fish had fin rot then by keeping it in water it will most likely spread the desease or cause another type of suffering to the fish.
Very bad idea, the corpse will decompose affecting the nitrogen cycle in the tank, if it was killed by parasites or a bacterial infection then this would still remain in the tank and may affect other fish. Take it out ASAP. :)
Advise passed on!!!

Fish removed and buried!

My mate had the weird Idea that the decating corpse would release beneficial nutrients back into the pond - I didn't want to argue just in case so I thought I'd check

I think he was thinking it would work in the same was as compost!!

Just realised it might sound as though this mate is actually me - But alas no - I haven't got round to building a pond in my garden yet - Give it a couple of years though!!

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