Dead Dwarf Puffer

The dwarf tank is a 5 gal but obvously for the fig 8 it would be bigger
Sorry about all these dumb questions and problems im asking...its my first time with puffers and i want to get everything right for the next one i get which means when i get back form holiday i might even change it to a sand substrate. Ill let it run whilst on holiday so it fully cycles and everything,so hopefully there will be no nitrite or anything for the next one (might have died from that tiny bit of nitrite in the tank).
Ill leave the figure 8 puffer for a while until i get to grips with brackish(that is if i do go and get a bumblee goby tank).
So heres the plan for when i get back form holiday:
-Get dwarf puffers ordered(if there arent any in stock)
-Get sand and change substrate
-Let tank run for another week incase it will go into a mini cycle form tank re-arrangement (will have been running for over a month form this point
-Get 2 more
Do 2 water changes a week(which ive been doing) and caefully monitor nitrite and ammonia always...if it goes the tinyest bit high do large water change

Sound good?
Thanks for the help
PS Is ther any particular plants they like. Ive had loads in there but have taken all out now. Ill be getting a barnicle piece and have the marimo moss ball and plants in there as decor :good:
Hmm, your on the right track here.

I suggest;

- Changing to sand (I'll get back to this later)
- Getting one or two small fish to cycle while your away (calm down)
- When you get back, test for a complete cycle for the next couple of days.
- Only get the one dp, much easyier to keep water quality, and you could get away with one water change a week if your carefull.
- Only having the one dp saves agression (of corse lol) but space too :shifty:
- Now you have sand, try getting a few bbg :good:

How about that?



P.s sorry it took so long lol, had some toast :D
Is that BBGs for anohter tank or for the same? :blink: I thought they were brackish...well one species isnt...
Or is it to use the remaining sand for the other tank fro the BBGs
It's known that bbg can be kept in fw for a long enough time to deem it safe :good:

And yes, in the same tank.

DPs are not fussy about what plants are in the tank. Easy plants like Java Fern, Hygrophila, Elodea, Java moss, etc are suitable. Live plants help with water quality but fake plants are fine too. As to arrangements..... they'll be happy as long as there are plenty of crevices and hiding places for them to explore. Mine seem to like tunnels :rolleyes: and hate flower pots (I think they are claustrophobic)

Please don't rush buying your DP. Make very sure that your tank is cycled before buying or ordering. Good luck :)

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