Dead Bronze Cory


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Barnsley, S. Yorks UK
Woke up this morning to find a one of my Bronze Corys dead on the bottom of my tank.

My tank has been healthy for weeks. This death coincides with a purchase I made yesterday of 12 Neons and 2 Kuhli Loaches from my LFS. The only thing that is baffling me about the death is that all the other fish look healthy and there has been no warning or signs that this was going to happen. The only strange thing I saw was that one of the Corys last night was cumbersomely perched on one a my plants which struck me as unusual. Other than that - nothing.

Levels as follows

pH - 8
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0.1
Nitrate - <5

I have attached photos of the dead cory - they were taken with my phone so aren't the best quality.



Any help as to possible cause of death appreciated.
Just removed him from the tank now and could dee no signs of anything wrong with him. In fact he was a beautiful looking little fish :sad:
you should always quarantine new fish

they live in closed enviroments so it's like moving from one world to another , what is able to be resisted by one population will often be different in another population

loaches seem to harbour more bacterial problems ime
Sorry to hear of your loss. By "flicking" do u mean they rub themselves on the the surroundings? I hear it could be an early sign of ich(to rub the parasite off) or bad water conditions( i noticed some of my fish doing it and its was because of high nitrites).

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