de-clorinator reduces hardness?


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Newmarket, England
The guy at my lfs said that the de-clorinator would lower the dH. Is this true? Just asking as mine is quite high - 20.2 out of the tap and was wondering what it would be after treatment (still setting up so cant take a 'proper' reading yet) . Is it constant ish? Does anyone have a rough drop amount?
:no: not to my knowledge m8

hardness is a tough one to play arround with... - there are products that can soften water, or you can use peat or RO water....

....though in the long run it might be better to keep fish that prefer harder water :/

Thanks. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. Guess ill just have to hunt for a community combination thatll live with GH20 water...
thanks for your time,
No problem m8,

I'd also have a chat with some of the local shops arround you and ask what parameters they keep their fish in as there could be many that are allready acclimatised to the hard water....(maybe not the last lfs you tried though :/ )

If you like cichlids then there are many that prefer the harder water....

Good plan :thumbs: hadnt thought of that. Thanks again. Guess ill have to cycle to the other 'l'fs - only 5 km but its raining :( oh well, guess to keep fish you gotta live like a fish...on a bike...
cecilbdemented said:
Guess ill have to cycle to the other 'l'fs - only 5 km but its raining :( oh well, guess to keep fish you gotta live like a fish...on a bike...
Raining in England??? Never, LOL. That is like saying it doesn't rain in florida. anyhoo that is dedication to your fish m8. applauds from across the pond :thumbs:
well i cycled, an wore a coat, and shorts (im taking the pills so stop nagging already :alien: ), it wasnt cold rain luckily. Got there an chatted to them an all that but the customers kept giving me weird looks. Realised when i got home i had mud splattered all up my back an looked like a drowned hampster (id never call myself a rat). Alls for a good cause tho! Got the tank set apart from plants. Wish i wasnt goin on holiday now so i could cycle an get some fish!!!!!! im gonna be lookin forward to comin home.
frustratedly, C
Well done C..

....most people don't look forward to coming back of holiday :/


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