David Blaine To Sleep In Aquarium!

Can David Blaine be kept in a community aquarium?
Hes aggressive and not too colorful, I dont know if hell do well with my neons.......
Wonder how much he would go for in my LFS...

Hope there will be someone ready to do regular gravel vacs to get rid of all the poo and leftover food.
I've kept a few David Blaines in my tanks in the past and they were nothing but trouble, it took me forever to get them out after I'd put them in, they wouldn't eat, were agressive often lashing out at the glass, and I would never keep one again.
Personally I can't see the point in David Blaines, they sit around doing nothing useful. They don't even look nice or brighten your tank up if anything they just make a mess. I'd be happy if they as a spieces became extinct.

:blush: Do you think they will use natural planting or artificial and the David Blains are so bland that if they use coloured gravel he will never even be seen.

How long do they need to cycle a tank that size before adding a 6ft fish like him? :/

The humour on this forum never fails to impress! :D

My dad kept a David Blaine once, but he had to kill it (using the vodka method) after it ate his 12" Plec!
My uncle once attempted to breed them but the mother Blaine died after trying to hold her breathe for too long.
And... my best friend used to have a David Blaine feature tank, which housed a massive 6 foot Blaine!! However, one day his Blaine said he had enough, got up and walked out! My friend was well upset! :fun:
wonder if they will do a human-less cycle first

You know that trick he does where he throws a playing card at a glass window and he ends up on the inside? Let's see the smart ass magically get a new oxygen canister through the glass when he begins to choke.
I think Ill put him in the fish index.

Common Name: David Blaine
Scientific Name: Davidious blaini
Maximum Size: Up to 6 feet
Care: Due to large size of Davidious blaini an aquarium of at least 1000 gallons, if not a pond will be needed. Not for beginers! They produce very large amounts of waste ( :sick: ) so large frequent water changes are needed. Its not uncommon for nitrate posioning to occur due to the large waste amounts. They appreciate planted aquariums but usually tear plants apart.
Feeding: A varied diet of fruits and vegetables supplemented with meaty foods such as chicken or red meats. As a treat the occasional McDonalds is greatly accepted.
Breeding: Being livebearers, they reproduce readily so unless you want david blaine fry keep males and females seperated. To trigger spawning, feed females chocolate and raise the tempature.
Comments: An aggresive species, best suited for a species tank, rare, expensive, and not very popular.

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