Datnoid Pictures - Better Quality


Fish Gatherer
Jul 23, 2007
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Hi there,

I thought I would share some pictures of my dat, its been much more stable over the past week and its colouring has improved considerably. I can only put this down to the introduction of a HRP due to tank issues, but I'm pleased with how the dat is stable for most of the day now, where before it was only in the evenings.


Close up of the other shot (which I'm now using for my avatar :p)


And one looking skywards, not sure but I like this photo despite its quality.

There is also a video featuring the dat and hujeta feeding on shrimp, its short but here's the link: LINK

Thanks for looking and any comments welcome,
Looks great, how long have you had it?

Something I've been wondering:
People often seem to talk about stability of their datnoids and from what I understand this refers to the contrast of the stripes, but does it also refer to the behavior/mood of the fish? I haven't really noticed this term used for other fish so why is it used frequently for dats?
Sorry if that's a bit of a noob question!
stable means good color some tigers are washed out or totally black
Looks great, hoe long have you had it?

Something I've been wondering:
People often seem to talk about stability of their datnoids and from what I understand this refers to the contrast of the stripes, but does it also refer to the behavior/mood of the fish? I haven't really noticed this term used for other fish so why is it used frequently for dats?
Sorry if that's a bit of a noob question!

Not long at all, I would say 2/3 months perhaps. It wasn't stable for the first month at all, I was disappointed as I saw on the net pictures of stable dats that looked striking with vivid black and orange/yellow, however I accepted that not all dats look like that and it could take time, but gradually over the time I've had it its been getting better and better and stable for longer periods of time, in the mornings it used to change to a blackish colour like T1KARMANN descriped but recently its improved quite considerably.

I remember going to get it, I had been in the LFS twice in that week both times seeing a group of dats and weighing up weather to get one or not, later that week at home I decided I would go for it so went back to the LFS when I could, only to find they had all been sold...Or so I thought, after asking the employee what happened it turns out they had simply moved them to another tank :p. I picked the biggest one thats how I ended up with the dat. I just wish I had more dats :p.

nice stable little 3 bar indo :nod:
Nice bars on the dat. I prefer the weird bars on indos, but yours looks awesome. It's definitely gonna be a looker when he gets older.
Thats a gr8 pic. Wonderful fish.

C. pulcher are really nice fish, but unfortunately you can only get big ones in the UK, as they are a banned export now :( so we have to stick to C. microlepis, Datnioides campbelli, Datnioides quadrifasciatus (or what ever its called now) and Datnioides undecimradiatus.

its funny isnt it, there are 4 species we can get here, but the grass is always greener in the other side and we want what we cant have :D I want a Pulcher too :(
Thats a gr8 pic. Wonderful fish.

C. pulcher are really nice fish, but unfortunately you can only get big ones in the UK, as they are a banned export now :( so we have to stick to C. microlepis, Datnioides campbelli, Datnioides quadrifasciatus (or what ever its called now) and Datnioides undecimradiatus.

its funny isnt it, there are 4 species we can get here, but the grass is always greener in the other side and we want what we cant have :D I want a Pulcher too :(
What does a pulcher have to do with this? :huh:

I have to admit... I want one too... :shifty:
you said you wanted a wide bar! and wider bars are D. pulcher

Oops, looks like I've but C instead of D, lmao!
I never said wide bars... I said weird bars! :rofl:

lol its just been one of those days today :(

T1k, they are a ban export not import. so no where has them really :( its damn shame. surely they could breed em, even if it was hormone induced like a lot of species are.

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