Dasmall1's Journal

I don think oto is into hair algae, but amano shrimp yes. I have a new tank with hair algae problem before, after I have added in 3 amano shrimps, they really clear it for me. :)
I haven't had much time for this tank in the past three months because my school musical took all of my extra time because I was a lead. I am now maintaining what is left of it until I can get another plant order and redo it. Here are a few pics of what has become of it. I wish my true SAE's were out when I was taking pics, but, then again, my macro wasn't working right.

Tank. Still algea, rotala rotundifolia is out of control, glosso is very high. There is riccia in there that I got at a fish auction for $8.

I'm trying two different ways to grow riccia.


Here is the new layout plan. This will happen when I return to my summer job in a month. This plan isn't final and subject to change upon comments.


1) Vallisneria sp. (red val)
2) Blyxa japonica
3) Rotala rotundifolia
4) Eleocharis acicularis
5) Riccia fluitans
6) Glossostigma elatinoides
7) Hemianthus micranthemoides
8) Echinodorus tenellus
9) Pogostemon stellatus 'Narrow'
10) Rotala wallichii

You seem to have put glosso in front of riccia... I think it would be better to put the riccia right at the front
I know i generally suk at aqua scaping but that exactly what i was going to say :good:
I am going to make the riccia mounds like Jimbo explained in his pinned article. I'm trying two different ways right now to see which I like better. The riccia sandwhich or the wrapped up riccia. It will, or course, need trimmed pretty often. I'm expecting twice a week.

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