Dark spot on her head - it's spreading!

I was certain that she had some nasty disease that the rest of the tank was going to catch - including Gary - and be floating tomorrow morning.

I'll keep an eye on her throughout the rest of the day.
I better go get her some treats now because she is REALLY mad.

Oh, this poor girl. She's so completely depressed.
Her tail is hanging down and her ventrals are also hanging straight down.
She looks at me and then down at the bottom of the tank, then goes and lays on a rock. She HATES being in that tank. And it's not all that BAD of a tank - it's a bit smaller than a 2 G tank with a plant, a sprig of cabomba plant and a rock arch.

I'm pretty sure she feels okay - she's just playing the guilt card.
I was just getting a snack and I looked over and she was staring at me and as soon as I looked at her, I swear she sighed and went back to her rock.

She's playing me like a fiddle!
How's she doing bettaMomma.
Well, she's still sulking around in there, but I"ve been purposely spending more time in the kitchen today to make her feel not so alone.
The dark spot on her head has now turned a much lighter grey and hasn't gotten any bigger. I'm assuming that it's starting to heal.
I did notice a white spot on her back kind of by her tail. It' not that big and I only see one, so I'll just keep an eye on her.
Good, hope she dosn't have to stay in there long, i find female fish to be more moody than males. :lol:
All hell has broken loose in the girly tank now. :grr:

Nellie is depressed because Millie is in quarantine, so she's been hiding in the cave and won't come out, even to eat. Only to come up for air. That leaves 3 meek little gals for Cloey to harass, and boy is she. Pearl has had half her top fin ripped off, Liza had a hunk of her tail taken off.
And to top it off, Gary's still eating every single damn plant in the tank.

Tomorrow after work there is going to be some major tank rearrangement going on at my house. I need to think about how I'm going to get everyone sorted out so I don't lose my marbles until Millie is better and ready to go back.

On a good note, Millie seems to be doing great in her hospital tank. Her spot on her head isn't getting any bigger, and it appears like it might be healing up, but I'm not 100% positive.
Glad to hear about little Millie. Sorry to hear about everyone else. I think you managed to snatch up some of the snottiest hags the store had to offer. Good thing they're cute, though!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did. eek!!

These girls, in human form, would be the extremely needy, beautiful, skinny and popular cheerleaders in high school that we all love to hate, who also drive great little sportscars and come from wealthy families.

I guess I should have expected some bad gene with them, if not an illness, in all of them coming from WalMart eh?

and Gary's the cocky QB on the football team.

Ah, so true, so true....

I've gotten a few females from Walmart, and they've lived peaceably in community tanks. Then again, I did get Bianca, who's overgrown and has a temper to match, from Walmart. She and her overgrown (giant!) compatriots are (and were, in the case of one of them) the snottiest hags I've ever met. Well, other than Pixie. Pixie's just EVIL.
Well I think I figured out what her problem is.
Columnaris. Oh, how fun.

She seems to be responding to the tetracyline really well and the marks have stopped spreading. She's eating and seems to be doing just fine. I'm going to double treat her, as I've read that columnaris should be treated for a 10 day span. She's going to go completely nuts being away from her clan for that long.
And the clan - good lord I'll have a revolt on my hands. EEK!
BettaMomma your post make me smile, glad she's on the mend, but sorry about the other's being misrable.
I was just bragging the other day that I've never had any fish with bouts of columnaris or velvet. Had pretty much everythign else, but not those 2.

Guess that's what I get for bragging.
I just hope no one else in the girly tank got it while she was still in there.
I have been watching them like a hawk because of all the nipped fins, etc.
I would think they would be showing signs by now, if they had caught it, unless incubation time is extremely long.

How are your grouches doing now? Still abusing each other?
Well the tank is a complete MESS.
Gary's uprooted all my moneywort and it's floating all over heck, so are a bunch of the leaves because they've been stipped off. The girls are being chased around by Cloey so the cabomba is also getting destroyed - they're like a bunch of babooons swinging around and thru the cabomba.

Little Nellie is still hiding - Daisy doesn't dare to do her usual bottom scrounging anymore to clean up the bottom of the tank for 2 reasons - she's scared of Cloey AND she's scared of Gary. LOL

I did a 10% water change last night and added a bit of salt to try to clear out some of the cabomba spikes and start up the fin healing, and I think that helped because some of pearl's top fin had already started to grow back in this morning.

I need to have a talk with Millie and ask her to consult with me first before she decides to pick up some stray illness.

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