Dark Skin Banner

Its been posted before about the group icon not working so its probably been put on williams to do list (its not super important so it might take a while)

Kinda stupid to even say anything cause anyone who cares has probably noticed so this is kinda just a thanks. The group icon is up in the dark skin. Thanks will and the other mods.
Kinda stupid to even say anything cause anyone who cares has probably noticed so this is kinda just a thanks. The group icon is up in the dark skin. Thanks will and the other mods.

If your responce is aimed at me.. for saying that the group icon doesn't work :grr:

I'm not a mind reader, how did I know that [anyone who cares] already noticed it wasn't working?
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to attack anyone. When you posted that, it wasn't working. I just noticed that it was up and wanted to comment about it. Sorry I offended you. I was just thanking william for getting the icon back up and generally running a great forum.
Oh ok, sorry Torrean.

Think I read it the wrong way, that the only problem with emails; they can be perceived in different ways by different people. :*)
i like the darkness one too. but im not found of the platy. maybe we could vote on a new fish for it and the winner replaces the platy. or we could change it so it will change to a different fish every min or so with like 7 different fish. JMO.
These forums dont support a carousel of images for a banner, it would require an animated gif to make it change after x seconds.. but this would increase the size of the page to be downloaded.. I only created that one as a quick and dirty stop-gap, but it seems to have stayed.. more than happy to create a new one if thats what william would like.

we used to have one that changed every now and then. one of the pics included in it was the puffer that sirminion has as his avatar.

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