Dario Dario - Scarlet Badis


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
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Leicester, England
I fell in love with these little guys when I seen them in my LFS last week. I am going to get some at the weekend to keep in a species tank and just wanted to run the biotope through here before I get it all set-up.

I am going for a sandy substrate with a little bit of gravel scattered over the top, only very small amounts though. I am then going to place a lot of fake plants into the tank, predominantly to the rear of the tank, for the Dario Dario to hide away. Bogwood caves for them to hide in also that will be created using small pieces of wood stacked up, and finally some oak leaves to add to the tannins and the debris in the tank.

Anything I am missing with this set-up or should it all be OK??

Thanks in advance!
None of the Badidae are difficult to keep as such, being pretty adaptable in terms of water chemistry and temperature. They aren't especially bothered by short-term lapses in water quality management either. But they are incredibly finicky feeders, and most people have success keeping them as the sole species in a given aquarium. Since they're stunningly colourful fish, it's not difficult to justify keeping them on their own in a 10-20 gallon tank.

If this was me, I'd be using bogwood, Java moss and Java fern along the bottom to create hiding spaces, and floating Indian fern on top to provide shade. Also, the roots underneath the Indian fern will be used as hiding places as well, encouraging the fish to swim about in midwater near the top where you can see them.

Coconut shells seem to be very popular caves.

Feed in small but regular amounts each day; at least twice a day, and ideally more often. Try not to feed big amounts once per day. Live foods, particularly daphnia, bloodworms and mosquito larvae will be the staples initially, but you should be able to wean them onto frozen bloodworms and the like without much difficulty.

If you must add other fish, be careful. Marble hatchetfish would make ideal dither fish, being small and totally incapable of competing with Badidae at feeding time. As for scavengers, best stick to snails and cherry shrimps.

Cheers, Neale
Awesome reply, thanks Neale. Definitely going to keep them in a species tank as that is what I do, biotopes or species, that's your lot with me! Live plants could be an issue as the only lighting is supplied by a 15 watt lightbulb so guessing plants could struggle?

Failing that then fake plants is what I will be going for but there are so many variants on the market now I am sure I can develop a nice habitat for the Badis. I have never really fed live foods as I do not know how long I can keep them for before I would have to use them and things like that, could somebody give me a bit of a guideline please.
Wet-frozen foods are not difficult to use. Defrost them first in a little aquarium water, and ideally decant the messy water produced before adding the food to the tank. Doing this helps keep particles of food out of the tank that won't get eaten, thereby minimising nitrate problems. This is more of a big deal in marine than freshwater tanks, but it's a good habit nonetheless.

I find using forceps allows me to drop one bloodworm (or whatever) at a time in front of new fish. This way, they think they're live foods, and go for them. Once trained to take whatever you offer, you'll probably find your fish eat frozen foods without this extra step.

Do try Indian fern in your tank; I find it thrives even under mediocre lighting, even if it doesn't grow as fast as it does in bright light.

Cheers, Neale
Yeah, finally got my Badis!! Awesome little fish and the tank does look really good, just in the process of introducing them slowly into their new home. Put in a good deal of fakew plants, some really cool looking wood and leaf litter also. Very realistic actually. Will try and get some pics up in the next 2 days.
I love these fish, fed them on frozen for the 1st time today and they loved it which will certainly help me out. I have now taken some pictures of my full tank set-up and will get them uploaded over next few days. I would advise anybody to track these fish down and get some, put them in a little tank of their own and just watch them!!

Maidenhead at Stapleton has them in at the moment but be quick because I am tempted to get some more!!
I love these fish, fed them on frozen for the 1st time today and they loved it which will certainly help me out. I have now taken some pictures of my full tank set-up and will get them uploaded over next few days. I would advise anybody to track these fish down and get some, put them in a little tank of their own and just watch them!!

Maidenhead at Stapleton has them in at the moment but be quick because I am tempted to get some more!!

What are u feeding them on?
Im really wanting to get some and mb put some cherry shrimp in aswell and of course make sure its heavily planted
I love these fish, fed them on frozen for the 1st time today and they loved it which will certainly help me out. I have now taken some pictures of my full tank set-up and will get them uploaded over next few days. I would advise anybody to track these fish down and get some, put them in a little tank of their own and just watch them!!

Maidenhead at Stapleton has them in at the moment but be quick because I am tempted to get some more!!

Hi How much were they at stapleton please
I love these fish, fed them on frozen for the 1st time today and they loved it which will certainly help me out. I have now taken some pictures of my full tank set-up and will get them uploaded over next few days. I would advise anybody to track these fish down and get some, put them in a little tank of their own and just watch them!!

Maidenhead at Stapleton has them in at the moment but be quick because I am tempted to get some more!!

Hi How much were they at stapleton please

Have a look on fishkeeper.co.uk and get theire phone number and ask them lol

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