Danio's Better Alone?


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I read an article today in a magazine about Zebra Danio's and he said they are much more interesting when they are in a tank with just other Danio's.

Can anyone confirm if this is true or not? I was thinking of going 7 White Cloud Mountain Minnows and 7 Zebra Danio's but i'm thinking maybe now go 100% Danio's if this is true, as i'd rather have just 1 species if it was much more active and interesting when alone.

It's a matter of personal opinion.
Danios and WCMM are fine together and would be a good match in terms of activity.
Danios will mix with many other types of fish and don't have to be in a species only set up :D I have several types of danio in my 125L tank with tetras, corys and various other fish :D
Danios will mix with many other types of fish and don't have to be in a species only set up :D I have several types of danio in my 125L tank with tetras, corys and various other fish :D

Sorry i didn't mean that they don't mix, it was just that this guy said he found them to be more active and interesting in tanks that were exclusive to Zebra Danio's. but as it was just 1 article i read from a random magazine i picked up in WHSmiths i wasn't sure whether to trust it or not.
Once again as said, it is really just down to personal preference. :D A tank full of zebra danios would indeed look stunning imho. Which magazine was it out of interest? I've found the only mag I really enjoy reading on this topic is Practical Fishkeeping :D
Never had a danio only tank but by the same token I have never had a zebra danio that wasnt constantly on the move and swimming around like a complete nutter no matter what fish they where kept with.
Once again as said, it is really just down to personal preference. :D A tank full of zebra danios would indeed look stunning imho. Which magazine was it out of interest? I've found the only mag I really enjoy reading on this topic is Practical Fishkeeping :D

I cant quite remember, it was Tropical something i think. Claimed to be the only tropical fish magazine in the UK when PFK was sat right next to it lol. It seems alright, didn't buy it, was just browsing, and spotted thr article on Zebra Danio's.

How many of them would you recommend for a 15G/60L tank? 9?
That gets me thinking about the last time I went to Petsmart and I stopped in front of the Zebra Danio tank. There was the Zebra, and there was another type of Danio (don't know what kind, they didn't have the same stripes as the Zebra). One of the Zebra Danios kept chasing the other fish and trying to nip their fins. Only, when a fellow Zebra swam by, he wouldn't do anything. When the other Danio type would swim by, he'd go a'chasin'. I must have watched for 5 minutes, laughing to myself (still new to fishies, if it's that obvious... lol). I dunno, I thought it was entertaining, but I don't know if he'd do the same thing if there were other breeds of fish in the tank with him.
I have 5 danio's and 4 guppies in the same tank together and the danios seem to mind their own business and the guppies keep to themselves pretty well.
My current batch of danios were alone for some time when I first got them. I added more fish later. They're just as active with other fish there. They still argue over dominance and do their little courtship swimming thing. Their behaviour doesn't seem different to me. Mostly they ignore the other fish, though they do shoal with the kerri tetra sometimes. Danios aren't exactly shy. They won't hide away or become inactive because of other active fish in the tank.

It could be that the person that said that had them in too small a group. Removing the other fish and replacing them with danios should make them more active and interesting in that circumstance, simply because you're making the group larger. In your case, I think seven will be happy and active. I don't think you need to worry about it.
After my livebearers chucked out loads of fry I needed to find another tank before they got eaten - so I set up a small tank and started the cycle with 5 x Z-Danios - they were in there for about 3 weeks and looked great - I have now moved them to my main 70 Gal tank and they are like bullets on speed....!!!! The odd thing is that the spare tank was empty for 24 hours when I noticed these odd looking 5mm sized wriggly things sticking to the side of the tank, not sure what they are yet but hoping maybe they are danio fry - anybody got any thoughts on this.....??

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