Danio With An Enormous Beer-gut.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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One of my Danios has developed an enormous, protruding belly over the last two days. He acts perfectly normal, all water parameters and other fishies are fine. He looks a bit like a pregnant lady, or like Homer Simpson. His belly has a slight greenish tinge, but that could be because he's blue. What is this? Constipation? A female going to spawn? I have no idea and I'm a bit worried about him.
Hope it's not really a beer belly! Beer is very bad for your tank! Too many bubbles, try Whiskey or Gin.

Ok kidding but, yes you could be very right. Fish might be constipated. Try feeding mushed peas. Nuke em in your microwave for couple min and smush em up (technical terms here). This will help clear up and congestion.

If it's a female waiting to spawn, i can't help you im just not that darn good. Sorry

hope things get better!

Good luck :good:
could be a female ready to spawn. if you had a pic it might help. if it is a spawning female then you can just leave it and the eggs will get eaten (thats what i do with mine)
Alright, I'll feed the little sucker some peas. Hopefully that will clear it up, if not i guess I'll just sort of wait and see if it lays eggs. Thanks!

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